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Molly and Brad Kramper

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Live Love Local

Molly Kramper won over $800 in gift cards from local restaurants as part of Downtown Kirkwood's #DineDowntownKirkwoood promotion.

It's tricky taking four kids under the age of nine out to eat at a restaurant. But pick up curbside for the family? Molly Bommarito Kramper could do that any day of the week. "I hope curbside sticks around after COVID because it's been wonderful," Molly said. It was her curbside receipt from P.J.'s Tavern won her family over $800 in gift cards from local restaurants as part of Downtown Kirkwood's #DineDowntownKirkwoood restaurant promotion. Enjoying curbside from local restaurants is just one of Molly and her husband Brad and their four children, Tommy (nine), Grace (seven), Annie (four), and Danny (two) favorite things about living in downtown Kirkwood. Here are five more of their favorites.   

01 Old Homes  

The Kramper's 109-year-old house is the original house on the property owned by George Doerr. "The home my parents live in on Argonne is also an old house," noted Molly. "I grew up loving nooks, crannies, and slanted floors."   

02 St. Peter School  

Molly's kids are the third generation to attend St. Peter. "My dad went to school there, I went to school there, and now my kids go," said Molly. Growing up, Molly loved being able to walk to school and church.   

03 4th of July Parade  

"I've been doing that since I was a kid. Every year we have to get our picture taken in front of the sign," stated Molly. COVID didn't stop their family tradition. "The kids decorated their bikes and rollerblades, and we got their picture."   

04 Greentree Festival  

"The parade goes right by my parent's house. We still stake our spot out in front of my parent's house and watch the big Schnuck's shopping cart go by."    

05 The Custard Station  

As a family, we have spent countless summer evenings enjoying kiddie swirl cones and watching trains. It is definitely a family favorite!