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Colleen Jenkins, Community Relations Director, Aspen Valley Senior Living Community

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

In the last 15 years, I have spent my time working with oncology patients and now, currently [working] with those needing senior/assisted care. To be successful in this type of work, [one needs] a heart for service, the ability to empathize, be compassionate, and extend patience. In addition, [having] an understanding of our community’s culture, people and needs helps me to provide options for those seeking to find solutions. 

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally? 

I feel successful when I can take the passion for a thought or idea and be involved in the process of seeing it come to fruition. In contrast, I also feel that I am succeeding if  things don’t work out too well and I still keep on moving forward, not allowing defeat to stamp out my fire!

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

I can’t think of anything too newsworthy. However, I can share about a fun challenge that I will be pursuing this year! I turn 60 in July and I have set a goal to begin a journey to experience or learn something new each month for the next year. 

What are some causes you care about?

I find myself caring more and more about the dignity and value of life itself as I grow older. In my world, this looks like finding ways to overcome barriers of access to healthcare and medication, continuing the fight to find cures for cancer and Alzheimer's, protecting the sanctity of life in the womb and helping seniors find solutions to the high costs of being “older”.

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

For me, Jesus Christ is the very top of my list. Not only did He sacrifice so much for the redemption of mankind, but His example as a human being is everything I would like to emulate. He saw the best in people, giving even the least likely a chance to succeed. If I can have half the generous and loving heart toward others that He shows, then I will be living my best life!

Jaime Ekman, President/Owner, Stoltz Marketing Group

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

I think that I have a knack for finding and bringing together great people that make for strong teams.

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally? 

For me, professional success means that I am fulfilled and happy with the work I do. It doesn’t mean that every day is perfect, but it does mean doing work that matters and improves the lives of others. Balancing professional success with personal success [will] always be a challenge, but my two daughters complete my life in ways I never thought possible.

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

I enjoy cooking and I can whip up a mean homemade mac n’ cheese. Even though my kids prefer it out of the box, I’m told mine is pretty good!

What are some causes you care about?

My company does a lot to support nonprofits, including a formal pro-bono program called 100 hours, but personally, I’m passionate about supporting brain cancer research, as well as supporting programs that encourage creating and fostering more opportunities for women in leadership.

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

I greatly admire the ultra-talented and kind group of women and men that I work with. They bring passion, talent, initiative, respect and versatility to work every day, and getting to soak all that up is what keeps me motivated and excited about the future!

Cresta Swainston, Administrator, Unity Health Center

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

I have an eye for fine detail, and I take a methodical, thorough approach to everything I do. The care I give to others is intentional and thoughtful.

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally?

My idea of success can be applied to both my personal and professional success. To make an impact on other’s lives in a way that helps them breathe in life more easily is “success” to me.

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

My family and I love outdoor recreation. We spend our time together skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, kayaking, and hiking.

What are some causes you care about?

The passion that is closest to my heart is ending child abuse; our youth should be protected, nurtured, and guided. Next to that would be uplifting women to rise to their full potential that resides within ALL of us. It fills my heart to open women up to loving and embracing the beauty within them.

Who is someone you admire and why?

Brené Brown. She is a research psychologist who has studied vulnerability, shame, empathy, and courage for over 20 years. She dares people to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and to take courage to lead. She inspires me to step up in my role as a practitioner to help lead us to a better future in healthcare.

Andrea Dillabaugh, owner Dillabaugh’s Flooring America

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

This question really makes me think of relationships. I love talking and connecting people. I love doing events for our clients and our staff, and it brings out joy in people. I also love doing marketing and working with several people.

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally?

The definition of success is when you set goals for yourself, you make mile markers to achieve those goals and you drive to get to the finish line with grace.

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

I actually am the head cheer coach and commissioner for my daughters cheer team. I was a cheerleader in high school and I love being a part of my girls’ experience and watching them grow. 

What are some causes you care about?

We have a program called Dillabaugh’s Restores. This program has been my heartbeat for our business. We partner with 5 different charities in the Treasure Valley.

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

My husband. He is an incredible man who loves the lord first and his family and loves our staff like they are family. We call it the Dillabaugh family and we mean every bit of that.

Brandy Furiani, Membership Coordinator “Community Liaison”, Eagle Chamber of Commerce 

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

I like to think that I bring a unique perkiness and high energy level to my work. My gift of gab and friendliness are what I like to consider my most important tools in my arsenal when I’m meeting new people and businesses. 

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally? 

Success in my personal life is seeing my family happy and thriving. Professionally, it is helping those around me achieve whatever their goals are. If I can help be a stepping stone or a launching point on their way to success, I am fulfilled knowing I helped them get there. 

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

Most people don’t know this about me, but I am a classically trained dancer and performed competitively for many years and went on to win national titles. Being that this has been a passion of mine for over 25 years, I continue to teach and dance whenever I have the chance!

What are some causes you care about?

Children hold such a special place in my heart. From the time I was old enough, I taught Sunday school, then moved onto teaching my own children’s dance classes. Having the opportunity to volunteer for children in an underprivileged socio-economical situation is something that I have a passion for and hope to help rectify in our backyard. 

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

I admire my mother. She has been an exceptional role model for what a hard working, independent mother should be. No matter what adversity comes her way, she comes out the other side stronger. If I end up being a tenth of how strong she is, then I’ll be able to conquer anything!

Jennifer Stutheit, Executive Director, Eagle Chamber of Commerce

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

Love for community connectiveness, doing the best I can at all times, seeing outside the box (big picture), listening to an individual’s needs/ideas, follow through, organization, accepting who I am, loving a collaborative effort and the outcome that rivals the strife. 

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally? 

Personal success is knowing that what you are doing is helping you and others lead a better, happier, healthier life. Professional success is enjoying going to work and knowing you’re making a difference.  

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

As a child, I rocked the Hula Hoop, so recently I purchased a Hula Hoop. The adult in me said it’d be an added workout tool (which it is), but the inner child is convinced to become a twirling pro again. Let’s just say, it’s a work in progress.  

What are some causes you care about?

People with disabilities have the same needs we all do: first and foremost, among them is to be treated with dignity and respect. Making a difference in our backyard, community outreach -- whether that’s coming together to help a neighbor whose house burned or to erect a community sports complex. 

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

I admire people who overcome obstacles or who have to commit. I've always really admired commitment, whether it be a commitment to living or a commitment to love. People who commit to a moment. People who are not somewhere else, but in the room with you. 

Christina Murray, Owner, Season and Taste Cooking School

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

I am extremely lucky to have found a career utilizing my passion for cooking and my love for people. This, coupled with my education, allows me to provide the highest quality recreational cooking classes within the Boise area. I received my classical training from top ranked International Culinary Center, and I have a bachelor’s degree in food politics. Recently, I earned a Culinary Health Education Certificate from Harvard Medical School.

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally?

Cooking is quickly becoming a lost art. Through cooking classes I want to improve the overall health and happiness of the local community. Owning and operating Season and Taste Cooking school allows me to bring people together around the kitchen table and engage in meaningful conversations. 

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

I went to Boise State when I was 16, and I received my first bachelor’s degree in Visual Art. I love to do colorful watercolor illustrations lined with black ink. At some point I hope to write recipes using only watercolor and ink illustrations. 

What are some causes you care about?

Food waste and food insecurity are two issues that I am extremely passionate about that go hand-in-hand. I am a board member and volunteer Chef Educator for Idaho Hunger Relief Taskforce. I am trying to provide incremental improvements by working with the local populations. 

Who is someone you admire and why?

I would have to say Chef Alice Waters. She is the pioneer of the far- to-table movement in California. She created a program called Edible Schoolyards, a hands-on educational experience for children utilizing the garden, kitchen and cafeteria. This garden and kitchen connection instills healthy lifestyle changes. 

Mary Beth Chandler, Guest Relations, Chandler Restaurant

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

My job is broad in community relations, guest relations and special events categories, whereby I respond to our guests through social media posts, assist with fundraising, as well as plan special events at our restaurants. 

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

I love to golf and travel, particularly intertwined. I take pride in all my projects, whether it’s entertaining at home or chairing a fundraising gala, and I love the challenge of learning new things.

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally?

Success is a balance of work and play with sprinkles of self care, active listening skills and patience.  Knowing when to delegate and where to address an audience, I have come to learn that ALL people are related.

What are some causes you care about?

I genuinely have considerable interest in sustainability and eradicating pollution in our oceans.  I am very passionate about personal wellbeing as well as climate control. While we support numerous charitable organizations, I have a special place in my heart for Idaho’s neglected youth.

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

WOW!  Need I be so obvious as to say, my husband?  It’s true! The more I watch him on a daily basis, the more I fall in love with his passion, dedication and self-learned quest for business savvy and success.

Jamie Quinno Bowen, Marketing Manager, Idaho Potato Commission

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

Passion and Dedication. Being born and raised in Boise, I’ve always had a passion for the state and what Idaho has to offer. Having the role in marketing, Idaho Potatoes is a perfect fit for me and I love what I do.

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally? 

Happiness, meaningful relationships and impactful work define success for me both personally and professionally. I am a genuinely happy person who strongly values the relationships around me. I try to live each day to its fullest and encourage others to do the same.

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?

I’m extremely organized and a great planner so I’m definitely someone you want around when cleaning out your closet or booking a vacation.

What are some causes you care about?

I truly care about the well being of others, especially the elderly, which is why I have volunteered with Meals on Wheels. It’s a fantastic organization that delivers meals and companionship to homebound seniors who are unable to prepare their own and might not receive any other visits.

Who is someone whom you admire, and why?

My father, Pop Pop. He was a funny and an amazing man who taught me the value of hard work and saving money, as well as having fun and [enjoying] great music (mainly the 60’s). No matter how ridiculous he thought all of us kids were being, he would always just shake his head and laugh.