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Local Artist Spotlight

These creatives are making the world more beautiful, and making us think

Donna Lindeman Porter

I just make art: Paintings, sculptures, and recently, glass. I have a BFA and MFA from the University of Washington, as well as teaching experience. I am stimulated by life, laughter, curiosity, conversations and experiments. Find me at and reach out to visit my Kirkland studio.

Rupa Palasamudram 

I make wheel-thrown pottery focusing on the beauty of the form and the horsehair-raku firing process. My pieces are burnished, brushed with mica powders, fired in an outdoor raku kiln, and horsehair is applied for the dark lines and smoky patterns I cherish. A teacher at heart, I enjoy engaging students at Kirkland Arts Center and other studios. Instagram: @rupapalasamudram!

Warren Weber

How does one express what they believe? I use the medium of wood to explore issues like faith, environmental sustainability, and lessons of history. My work often incorporates the natural decaying process of wood into the finished piece—I’m as interested in what’s missing from the wood as what remains. Contact me at to visit my Bothell shop. 

Soli Snyder

Sneaker-head and child at heart, Soli enjoys adding small details within her art to keep critics discovering more about the piece. She’s passionate about bringing people joy through her art and children's books. She finds the biggest joy in creating custom pieces for her clients. Coming Soon: "Sneaker Friends" children’s book. You can find her at

Larry Halvorsen

A Washington-born, self-taught potter. I’ve sold my ceramics nationally for 40 years, including 30 at the Bellevue Fair. My pieces are black and white featuring the sgraffito carving technique, which involves carving through the black slip surface to reveal the white clay body. I sell my work at Parklane Gallery, through the Artful Home website and from my home studio.

Kay Bae

She honed her skills in collage and various artistic disciplines. With a scientific background, she blends creativity and a systematic approach to explore the beauty of lines, shapes, colors, and spatial relationships in nature and the man-made world. She practices, volunteers and instructs, driven by her passion for art and a desire to share it with others.