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Johanna and Rich Sullivan

Featured Article

Look Good, Feel Good

Johanna and Rich Sullivan own Clear and Present Strangers, helping people change their relationship with alcohol.

According to my wife, Idris Elba is very handsome and Ryan Gosling is hot. She’s not wrong. Many celebrities are blessed with good looks, but beyond their fame and physical features is something all of us mere mortals have access to; clothing. The age-old saying “the clothes make the man” is worthy of consideration. When you notice women eyeing a guy in public, nodding in approval among each other, the man is generally very well dressed. As the ZZ Top song goes, “Every girl crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man.”

A man’s sense of style communicates a lot about him. But many people meet important personal and business contacts, by chance, in places we don’t necessarily get dressed up to be - like the grocery store, or a ball game. A wardrobe is important and one must be mindful of who, what, where, when, and why, the outfit will be worn. Ever show up for a date overdressed? How about underdressed? How about a bad suit at the company holiday party? I’ve had several moments like this in my life and they’re embarrassing. Looking back, a lot of it could have been avoided with some forethought and asking for some help.

Look up men’s fashion on Pinterest and you’ll see all kinds of outfits for work, working out, nightlife, and more. Clothes really do make the man. When we look good, we feel good. We perform better and exude confidence. The care we take with our appearance can pay big dividends.

Get a new pair of shoes. Get a new suit, and have it tailored. Own a few, crisp dress shirts. A brand-name belt and some nice shoes can make an outfit pop. Get some new stylish workout clothes. If you’re going casual, keep it tight. There’s not a thing wrong with jeans and a ball cap, just make sure they fit well. The way we present ourselves says so much. 

A man’s sense of style communicates a lot about him.