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Low-Hanging Fruit

Three tips that will make you a better man

Article by Shane Plummer

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Boise Lifestyle

Competition to stand out as a man is tough these days. I don't profess to be a pro, and I can’t list all the things you have to do to “be a man,” but I humbly offer three that have worked for me:

#1: HAVE FACIAL HAIR: Beards are at the top of the pyramid. An intentional beard, not a lazy beard. It doesn’t have to be magazine-worthy, but it does have to be clean. And don’t be afraid of product. A mustache might work, but mustaches have their own set of rules. Points for curl, penalties for creepy-film-producer. Bushy works, but only if it’s really bushy AND you wear aviators, and only then if you take them off one-handed with bravado. If you can’t grow either, act as if you have one. Beard energy is real.

#2: DO SOMETHING HARD: Men respect men who do hard things. Hard things take effort, discipline, investment, and commitment. Weird observation: those are things employers and women appreciate. “Manly” things like solo hunting or bear wrestling are obvious shoo-in’s, but don’t discount lesser-known yet equally respectable endeavors like bee husbandry or tiny house construction. If it gets a respectful head nod, it counts.

#3: LEARN HOW TO KISS: It’s an empirical fact that 100% of women prefer good kissers to poor kissers. Think about that. Kiss with confidence, but don’t be scary about it. And never say “Can I kiss you?” That’s a rookie junior high move, and I’m told ladies don’t like it. Social activists, I’m with you: no means no, broh. I’m just saying that confidence is favored over timidity (it’s a word; look it up).

Shane Plummer and his wife, Natalie, co-host The Boise Bubble Podcast. @theboisebubble and @hellomeridian

  • Shane Plummer

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