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Maggie Organizes

Maggie Mundy Can Help You Bring Balance and Calm to Your Living Space

Did you make a resolution for 2022 to become better organized or to maybe finally tackle your finances?

Experts say that often one of the quickest ways to a healthier lifestyle and financial life is to get yourself - and your household - organized. 

Many of us would love to do just that, but where to start? 

Maggie Mundy of Glastonbury has launched a new business based on that very question.  

A former teacher, Maggie realized she had a knack for organizing and decluttering homes, as well as staging them for sale, after she had her two children and left her teaching job. 

“Friends started reaching out to me to say things like ‘Can you help me organize my kitchen or pantry?’ Realtors started asking me for help in getting homes cleaned and staged for photos. It literally just picked up overnight. About five months ago I woke up one morning and told my husband: ‘Honey, I’m going to do this as a business.” 

That’s how she launched her new business, Maggie Organizes. 

“I can help get your home in tip top shape. Whether your home needs TLC before a family event or you’ve been wanting to organize a space in your house but don’t know where or how to start, I’m here to help.” 

Getting organized in your home can bring a sense of balance and well-being to your life that you might be missing amid your clutter, Maggie says. 

“It’s calming, it’s just a feeling of ‘I know where things are, I’m not going to feel rushed and I’m not going to feel frustrated looking for something.”

When she works with new clients, she adds, she starts off by looking at the space they want to organize and figuring out “what can I do to make it work better? You have all this stuff you’ve accumulated over time so what do you do with it? Are you actually going to use it all? Do you even need all of it?  We look at the space together and discuss what it is that’s not working for them. A lot of time people just say ‘I’m overwhelmed, I don’t know where to start.’  The first step is just to take everything out and look at it.”

“Sometimes it can be as simple as going into your bathroom and opening that top drawer in your vanity and cleaning it out. It’s small things like that, but it really does bring a calmness to your life.”

Maggie also does home staging for homeowners and realtors when they bring their properties to market. 

“After discussing your goals and vision for the space I will come up with two options for how the space can be organized to fit your lifestyle,” she says. 

Maggie Organizes

Maggie Mundy, Professional Organizer


Phone: 860-794-0386

On Instagram: @Maggie.organizes

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