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Magic Dragon 

By Matsumoto Mari


1 1/2 oz- Cucumber & Dragon fruit Gin

3/4oz- Toasted Black Sesame Velvet Falernum 

1/2oz- Lime Juice 

Topped with Ginger beer 

Hawaiian black lava salt & black sesame 


Gin - Infuse 1 whole peeled and cut cucumber in Gin for a week. Strain the cucumbers out. Add 1Tablespoon of organic dragonfruit powder and mix very well with a whisk. To make the syrup, toast 1/2 cup of black sesame at 350 for 10 minutes. Take it out and let it cool. In a Mortar and Pestle, grind the toasted black sesame, but not too fine. Add the sesame into one bottle of John D. Taylor’s Velvet Falernum. Let that set for about 2 to 3 days and use cheese cloth to strain out the fine bits of sesame. Juice one fresh lime and strain to remove the pulp.

For the Garnish you will need:

Small Paint Brush

Simple syrup 

Hawaiian black lava salt mixed with a pinch of black sesame 

Shaking things up:

Paint a strip of simple syrup down a Collins glass 

Take a spoon full of Hawaiian black lava salt mixed with black sesame and layer that down where the painted simple syrup was placed

In a shaker tin combine: 1 1/2oz Cucumber Dragonfruit Gin, 3/4oz toasted black sesame Velvet Falernum, and 1/2oz lime juice and shake that up! 

Fill the painted glass with ice (I use crushed ice) and strain over the ice. Top with your favorite ginger beer (my choice is fever tree ginger beer) 

Extra garnish-dehydrated lime wheel