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Statue of Mary Anning in Lyme Regis Dorset England

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Mary Anning: A Woman You Ought to Know

The First Paleontologist

Do you know who Mary Anning was?  Mary Anning was a brave and curious woman. She grew up in a poor family, but later became the most famous paleontologist. Even though everyone underestimated her because she was a girl, she never stopped doing what she loved. Learning and digging for dinosaurs.

Mary Grew up in Lyme Regis, England. She loved to read and write. She loved to learn about everything she found. One day when Mary and her brother Joseph were exploring the cliffs. Then, they found something… unexpected. There was a large eye socket that was looking right back at them! Mary figured out what it was. It was a large skull. (This dinosaur was later referred to as ichthyosaurus.) But this sea creature's skull was all Mary and Joseph found of this dinosaur. Mary would not give up so easily. She spent almost a year looking for the rest of this fossil.

Mary also searched the shores of lyme Regis for other “curiosities.”  These were fossils such as amenities.  She also found things such as fossilized poop!  Mary also found peculiar black, cone shaped objects. Mary was curious so she cut one open. Mary put water on these  “curiosities” and a black liquid came oozing out. Ink! 

When Mary tried to attend a university, she was rejected even though she was very smart. Women were not allowed at the university. But Mary would not give up.  She still persisted and did what she loved. Learn and dig for dinosaurs.

As you can see, Mary Anning was brave, and determined. She would not give up because people told her to.

  • Statue of Mary Anning in Lyme Regis Dorset England
  • The author dressed as Mary Anning for Halloween