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Arvada Mayor Lauren Simpson at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities.

Featured Article

Mayor Lauren Simpson Takes Center Stage

Leading by example

Article by Dana Slone

Photography by Rebecca Sloan Photography

Originally published in Arvada Lifestyle

Arvada Mayor Lauren Simpson, elected on Nov. 7, 2023 to a four-year term, is only the third woman in the city’s long history to serve as mayor and the first in more than 40 years. She’s also the first woman to be directly elected to the role. Simpson is a wife and mother, former city council member, community leader and volunteer, including for the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, the photo shoot location for this conversation.

You’re the mayor of the seventh most populous city in Colorado. How did you get here?

I’d say that all of this is as much of a surprise to me as it might be to anyone else! Running for office was never something I had in my plans. My chosen career path was international diplomacy, and I always figured that’s where I would stay. But as our national political environment became increasingly toxic, I began to feel like a big part of the problem was that we had too many “fighters” in office. Maybe what we needed were more “diplomats.” Four years ago, when I learned that my local City Council seat in District 2 was open, it hit me that perhaps I could do something right here for my own community. I ran that year (2019), and I won. At the time, I had no designs to seek higher office. But then, something unexpected happened: I discovered a powerful new passion. The ability to directly help others and our community gave me a sense of purpose I had never felt before. I knew [running for mayor] would be a tough race. Moreover, I had a lot to lose, because if I lost the election, I’d be off the Council altogether. However, the early support I received when I shared the idea among community stakeholders was overwhelming, and I truly believed I could win.

What is your favorite thing about living in Arvada?

There is so much to love. Arvada is a mid-sized city that treasures its small-town vibe. People still get to know their neighbors here. Volunteering and service levels are extremely high, and the engagement at public events such as festivals is incredible. Arvadans really buy into the power of community; we take care of one another. That’s what makes our city truly special.

What is the one thing you wish people knew about Arvada?

That as a city we’re in pretty great shape! I want people to know that we are very blessed here. Our city is viewed as a model across the country in a lot of ways. Now this doesn’t mean that we don’t have areas of improvement or pressing issues we need to tackle; of course we do. But I want Arvadans to know that their city government is filled with talented, dedicated professionals who constantly look for ways to improve and invest in best practices to implement.

What would you tell folks looking to move here?

Get involved, in whatever capacity it is that speaks to you. Arvada is a special place, and one of the most unfortunate mistakes anyone could make here would be to miss out on being a part of it. Whether it is joining a service club (Arvada has several!), volunteering with your church or a non-profit, mentoring youth, or anything else—getting involved enriches your life in a way that other activities simply cannot.

What would you tell business owners looking to set up shop?

Step One: Join the Arvada Chamber. Step Two: Show up to the Arvada Chamber. Step Three: Keep doing step two. But seriously, we have a fantastic Chamber of Commerce. The Arvada Chamber goes above and beyond, bringing members of our business community together to envision bold programs that will benefit not just businesses but the whole of the city. I’d also encourage prospective businesses to reach out to the Arvada Economic Development Association, which provides a wide range of services, including many that are critical to just getting off the ground.

You’ve said volunteering is important to you. Tell us more.

I wasn’t always someone that gave back. It wasn’t that I didn’t care; rather it was that in my younger years I was simply wrapped-up in my own world. Over time though, I began to feel like something was missing. This was around the same time that I began to look at running for City Council. I hadn’t connected the two back then, but sometime after the election, I realized that the void I had felt had disappeared. When I looked at my life and what was different, I realized it was the bonds I had built through my new role. The connections within our community and especially the organizations dedicated to helping it. Most of my free time now goes to supporting different causes, and I’ve honestly never felt more rewarded in my life. That feeling you get when you’re doing something for others … Well, let’s say I’d recommend it.

What’s your daily motivation as you serve as mayor?

Ha; well, I think I probably covered a lot of that in the previous answer! The more philosophical motivations, anyways. My daily motivation? It varies. Sometimes, it’s simply that I have a job to do and I’d better get to it. In the quieter moments however, it’s the realization that my election has come to represent something for many in our community. It’s 2024, and I am the first woman ever elected mayor. That isn’t why I ran, but the implications of it haven’t been lost on people. The reactions from some of our young women in particular have impacted me. The teenage and early/mid-20-somethings that have been visibly excited to ask me for a selfie, to tell me that they feel inspired. I see that this means something to them, and I will work hard every day to ensure that I don’t let them down.

Have a question or request for the city? Visit Want to reach the mayor: Email her at

The ability to directly help others and our community gave me a sense of purpose I had never felt before. 

Get involved, in whatever capacity it is that speaks to you. Arvada is a special place.

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