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Kurt Wederquist  - Commander, Administrative Services Division, Broomfield Police Department   - Bal Swan Board of Directors  - Broomfield Rotary Police/ Fire A

Featured Article

Leading by Example

Five men who make Broomfield a wonderful place to live.

Article by Shay Brase

Photography by Sarah Dawn Photography

Originally published in Broomfield Lifestyle

This men’s issue would be amiss without honoring some of our many influential changemakers. Though human nature tends to guide us toward self-preservation and our own interests, these five men have been chosen for the spotlight because of what they do for others and the positive impacts they have made in our community. Their stories are sure to plant a seed or two of philanthropy and goodwill.

Broomfield Lifestyle would first like to spotlight and bid farewell to Sam Taylor as he steps down as President & CEO of the Broomfield Chamber. Sam attributes his success to having an open mind to learning from others’ perspectives and letting disagreements shape how he interacts with others. 

Broomfield is “home” to Sam, and he envisions the very best for its future.

Sam Taylor

- Former President/CEO Broomfield Chamber of Commerce (5/16/22)

- Director of Community and Employment Services, Imagine!

- Mental Health Partners Board Member

- Colorado Disability Funding Committee

“There is no such thing as failure- only a learning experience on the way to success.”

These words to live by come from Sam Taylor, who has never shied away from adversity if it was along the path he had set. The former Broomfield Chamber President and CEO moved to Colorado after dropping out of college and took the first job offered to him: working in a factory. Within two years he had worked his way through a supervisor role in this factory and into sales. which has been a part of his profession ever since, regardless of title. This natural sales leader was first introduced to the Chamber in 1990 when he opened his own manufacturing company in Broomfield. He was involved with the Chamber in several capacities before accepting his former position, as an ambassador and board member at various times over the years. 

What drives Sam’s passion for Broomfield and the businesses that call it home? He says, “There are many things to like about Broomfield: its master planning, good city management over the years, a desire so many have to help their neighbors, and the strong ties that businesses and nonprofits have to the community. Our compact size and integrated services give us more flexibility and shared community than most other areas could ever have.”

Sam Taylor grew up in a family that encouraged him to try new things, which will undoubtedly serve as a source of inspiration as he steps into his new role as Director of Community and Employment Services at Imagine! Colorado. According to its website, Imagine! Is a non-profit which provides services designed to incorporate people with developmental, cognitive, and physical challenges into the fabric of communities.

Peter Crouse

- Co-Founder, Infinitus Inc.

Pete Crouse has been in the pizza business for nearly 40 years, and founded Infinitus Pie with his daughter, Katie, in 2010. His passion for food and flavor started around the age of six and grew into adulthood, its prominence quickly surpassing that of his college degree in geology. Two million pies later, “Pizza Pete” reflects that he made the right choice for his career.

When it comes to giving credit for his success, Pete is quick to point to his mother and father, who both made lasting contributions to the Broomfield community. His father, Peter Sr., was on several boards and councils, including one of the early Broomfield City Councils and the Boys Club of Denver. He and Pete’s mother, Anne, were founding members of the United Church of Broomfield, where the extended Crouse family still attends today. Among other things, Anne also founded FISH of Broomfield, the Rotary Club of Broomfield Crossing, and was active in Broomfield Mental Health.

“They created pretty large shoes for me to fill,” Pete says. “These are the parents that raised me and imparted to me a genuine passion for people and service.”

Infinitus Pie is no stranger to serving others. Once a month, they host a local community organization via “iPie Gives Day”, and donates 31.4% of the day’s sales back into the group.

Pete feels the most consistent element in the heart of Broomfield is the continuity of its residents. “Many people that grew up here stayed or returned because it is a great place to work, live and play. We continue to welcome people to join us and provide ample volunteer opportunities for them to participate in nurturing our city and supporting its citizens.” He and his wife, Carol, not only raised their children here, but now also have five grandchildren who call Broomfield home.

Bonifacio “Boni” Sandoval

- First Western Trust- Market President

- Humane Society of Boulder Valley

- Boulder Chamber Board of Directors

- Guys Who Give- Broomfield Chapter

- Broomfield Chamber of Commerce Non-Profit Committee

Boni Sandoval was the first member of his immediate family to graduate from college, earning a dual BA degree in Economics and Psychology. After graduating, he intentionally looked for work in the banking industry, and landed his first job at Guaranty Bank & Trust in Downtown Denver. His last 25 years have been spent developing his career in banking and finance in the Boulder and now Broomfield communities.

Boni believes that if our communities are successful and have strong non-profit and cultural support, our businesses will be successful as well. First Western Trust, where he serves as Market President, doubles down on this belief of social responsibility, having invested over $19 million back into the community it serves since it opened its doors in 2004. This has been donated in the form of sponsorships, community development loans, and affordable housing investments and organizations and projects that make a lasting difference. 

Boni was raised a true “Colorado kid”, taught to enjoy the outdoors. Both then and now, he enjoys biking as often as possible, along with camping and fishing. You might find him golfing in his spare time, which he enjoys “including all of its frustrations.”

When asked about what he likes about Broomfield, he remembers driving by on his way to Boulder when it was still a separate little town. He likes the fact that Broomfield has been able to maintain the small town feel while not ignoring the pressures that come along with growth and the pace of modern life.

Persistence and a general desire to help people are the keys to his professional success. His piece of advice for the next generation is to be kind to others, and just as importantly, to yourself.

Kurt Wederquist

- Commander, Administrative Services Division, Broomfield Police Department 

- Bal Swan Board of Directors

- Broomfield Rotary Police/ Fire Annual Golf Tournament Committee Member

Kurt Wederquist knew from the age of seven that he wanted to be a police officer, and other than a short stint dreaming of becoming a Hollywood stuntman, he never felt the pull to deviate from this plan. (Had fear of heights not course-corrected him, Kurt may have instead become the next Burt Reynolds!)

The Commander and his siblings were raised on a farm in Niwot, and taught that each of them was responsible for their own successes and failures. He is a true family man and very humble, quick to credit a host of others for who he is today. His parents served as role models on how to value family and build and manage relationships. He was taught to push through fear and failure by his grandfather, who was the type of cowboy that we’ve all learned life lessons from by watching old westerns. 

On a professional level, Kurt was shaped in part by two men in blue, former Lieutenant Joe Clay of the La Junta Police Department and former Broomfield Police Chief Tom Deland. On Police Chief Deland, “He was a man who knew his community and his police department, and could always help me navigate the sometimes murky waters of politics and policing.”

Kurt also knows and thinks highly of his community. “People here collectively work really hard to keep Broomfield a vibrant, warm and friendly place. I see our community as being advantageously positioned in such a way to invite business opportunities that will carry us into a prosperous future. This is also a great community for families to establish roots and raise children, and for people of all ages to grow and experience life.”

In his spare time, Kurt enjoys spending time with his wife, Terri, along with their children and grandchildren. You might also find him fly fishing, playing or repairing guitars, or on the golf course.

Rabin Walters

- Development Officer, FRIENDS of Broomfield, Inc.

- Staff Liaison for Young Professional Advisory Board, BeFRIEND

- Broomfield Chambers Young Professional

Twenty-three years ago, Rabin Walter’s mother put a letter into his 5th grade time capsule. In the letter, she wrote, “I predict Rabin will be working with kids or adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.” Always and today, he has a heart to do just that.

As a child, Rabin was exposed to people coming from all different walks of life, and learned at a young age to see the good in people rather than view them for what material goods they had. He spent summers in Missouri with his stepmother and father, who was a chef in a number of restaurants. The rest of the time he lived with his mother, who worked primarily in fundraising, along with his stepfather and brother. Rabin was always touched by the change and joy brought by non-profits while volunteering for/attending his mother’s fundraisers.

The FRIENDS of Broomfield Development Officer knew right away that he wanted to make a career out of helping others. He says he has always connected with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, so his role is a perfect fit. 

Rabin loves that Broomfield feels like a tight knit community, and sees its future becoming more inclusive with opportunities such as affordable housing & social enterprise for people like our friends with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He says these things “will help them meet their basic needs so that they can live with dignity, engage actively, and be able to contribute to their community.”

His success is attributed to his family and friends, who never measured “success” by the amount of money a person made, but rather by whether or not you were a good person. To this same end he gives a timeless piece of advice to follow the Golden Rule: to do unto others as you would have done unto you.