Alex Fasching, a lawyer specializing in estate planning and probate administration with Cook Tillman Law Group, enjoys having pets. In addition to his dog and cat, he also has a pet wallaby. Yes, a wallaby, in Nashville.
Jack Junior, otherwise known as JJ or “little” Jack, joined the family about two years ago after Alex’s 5-year-old wallaby, “big” Jack, passed away from cancer. Alex was devastated by Jack’s unexpected death, and had no intentions of getting another.
Fate, though, sometimes has a way of intervening. About six months after Jack passed, Alex was visiting his parents in Wisconsin and learned of a baby wallaby available for adoption nearby. He didn't come back to Tennessee alone.
Today, JJ is 2.5, 40 pounds and 3 feet tall, and has his own room where he sleeps in a pouch at night. There are more pouches around the house and in the yard for him to take naps in as well.
To find out more about JJ, follow him on social media.
Wallaby facts of life:
In captivity, wallabies usually live 12 to 15 years; in the wild, about 9 years.
Baby wallabies, like their larger kangaroo cousins, are called joeys.
All wallabies are marsupials or pouched mammals.
There are many species, including hare wallabies, shrub wallabies, brush wallabies, and rock wallabies.
Favorite foods: Peaches, grapes and grass
Social: Instagram: @jackthewallaby (25k Followers) Facebook: Jack the Wallaby
Other pets in the family:
Tucker the mini Australian Shepherd
Mouse the cat
JJ’s favorite things:
Jumping up on Alex’s leg when he comes home from work and getting head scratches
Playing with dog brother Tucker (and wisely avoiding Mouse the cat)
Napping in his pouches
Running around in the rain and taking showers