How I got to skin is a winding road. All of those twists and turns have contributed to a deep understanding of the skin, particularly skin that is not functioning at its optimal level.
I’ve been a business owner from the beginning. It suits me well as an independent creative person. 20 years ago, when I started in this business there wasn’t a lot of problem solving or creative thinking, so I decided to go out on my own.
I like being flexible and offering options that are unusual in my industry. My newest service is a Virtual Skin Analysis through Zoom or FaceTime. You complete an electronic intake form, send me good photos of you (no makeup/no filters) and the products and medications you are currently using. We will talk in depth about you and your skin. I will answer your questions and solve your concerns. There will be suggestions about how you might do things differently to get a better result for your skin. Then I will create a customized home skin care routine that will be delivered to you.
Skin care expert Q & A:
What are your favorite types of skin to treat?
That skin belongs to the person who has been everywhere and tried everything. They “know I cannot help their skin – but just in case.” For me, the challenge, mystery, and possibility to help someone feel better about themselves – that is the best skin to come through my door. That person will walk out with hope and on their way to fresh, healthy and vibrant skin.
What is your best foolproof self-care move?
Get plenty of sleep.
Do you have to get facials for good skin?
Many times, good skin care products from a licensed skin care professional is all you need. This is certainly part of the discussion in a good and thorough consultation and skin analysis.
What is a top skin care myth?
If you get injectables, fillers, or plastic surgery you don’t need skin care.
What is your best skin care advice?
Keep it clean, keep it hydrated, and keep it protected. Repeat twice a day.
What’s the one skin care move you won’t skip?
Cleansing my skin in the evening.