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Photo by Sophia DuBois

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Meet the ‘Ambassador of Possibility’

Mark Victor Hansen—Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul—Talks Books, Speaking, and Helping Others Reach Their Potential

No one can argue that Mark Victor Hansen isn’t a huge success. The now-multimillionaire has written or co-authored more than 300 books, sold more than 500 million copies of his Chicken Soup for the Soul books, is a global keynote and motivational speaker to top corporations, and is known as the “Ambassador of Possibility.”

But it wasn’t always that way.

When he tried to publish the first of his now widely popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series, he was turned down 144 times. Yes, 144 times.

What set this inspirational and motivational author and speaker apart—and what he strives teaches others—is that he believed in himself, and he didn’t give up. Instead, he saw the possibilities ahead.

Since then, the Happiness Hall of Fame (a nonprofit that recognizes special people who have advanced the cause of happiness worldwide) inductee has made it a mission to try to help as many people as possible reach their potential, find happiness, and find success.

“Everyone has infinitely more talent than they think,” he says. “I’m trying to help people wake up to their full self-potential.”

In addition to the Chicken Soup books, Hansen has authored motivating books such as The One Minute Millionaire... The Enlightened Way to Wealth, How to Think Bigger: And Go From Ordinary… To Extraordinary, Dare to Win: The Guide to Getting What You Want Out of Life (co-authored with Jack Canfield), and his latest, Ask! The Bridge From Your Dreams to Your Destiny, which he co-wrote with his wife, Crystal Dwyer Hansen.

Some of his topics are inspired by the people he meets, he says.

“I’m 75, and I’m going to live to be 127—with options for renewal—and I’ve talked to seven million people live. And, after we sign books or go on YouTube, people always ask questions. I always go back and process and distill the answers, and I figure if one person is asking, others must be wondering, too,” he says. “They pour their hearts out in 30 seconds and tell you what their issues are, and I’m attempting to address them all.”

Hansen also recently launched, which provides ghostwriting and publishing services. Through this, he helps anyone interested in becoming an author create and publish a book.

He’s also teaching “the four freedoms” right now, and finishing a book about them.

“Those are 1. money freedom to buy 2. your time freedom so you can have 3. great relationships freedom, so you can have the 4. freedom to manifest your magnificent purposefulness—that is unique to each individual,” he says.

“I’m your wake-up call,” he continues.