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Featured Article

Men Committed to Community

Article by Beth Glennon

Photography by Washington Chua, Devona Stimpson

Originally published in Kirkwood City Lifestyle

Antione Lawrence

Hybrid Real Estate

What has been your biggest blessing?   

The thriving health of our children. Both of our kids were born prematurely. Our youngest was born weighing one pound in July 2018. He changed my outlook on life in general. 

You have a finance degree from SLU and MBA from UMSL, so why real estate?   

I realized how powerful real estate is in terms of wealth-building when my realtor, who is now my business partner, sold my house at a return that beat the market returns. In 2014, I co-founded Hybrid Real Estate, a full-service Boutique Real Estate Agency, to help clients in the mid-county corridor reach their real estate goals. 

What do you do in your free time?    

With a 21-month-old son and a 7-year-old daughter, my wife and I have our hands full. As an exercise enthusiast, I work out at the Kirkwood Y and Webster Groves Rec Center. I also volunteer and raise financial literacy with Community Women Against Hardship.  

Blake Borello, DDS, MS
Borello Orthodontics

How did you meet your wife?   

I met my wife through a mutual friend at Mizzou. She was going to dental school, as well.  We have a lot of conversations about teeth around the dinner table at our house. Let me tell you...real exciting. Honestly, if we can sit down with our three kids and eat as a family, it's a success. I'm not from St. Louis, but my wife is. I've learned that many St. Louis natives move away for a little bit, and then they recruit others to come back with them. 

How do you support local charities?    

I read the book "The Go-Giver" and realized what you put out in the world is going to come back to you. There are a lot of people that need help. So, we decided that for every person that started treatment in our office, we would donate money to a local charity as well as local schools. Every quarter, team members select a charity. Last quarter's donation was to the Flying Pig Foundation.    

Does a little smile go a long way?    

Sometimes people come to our office with a lot of stress in their life. Things may not be going well. Our goal is to have our office be one of the brighter spots of their day. We do our best to make their life a little easier and cheer them up. It's more than just about their teeth. We treat the person first. And that always starts with a smile and getting to know someone.  

Dr. Eddie Weller

Getting Weller 

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind & Healthy Relationships 

Our life is affected by what is known as the "3T's": Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins. At Getting Weller, we believe HEALth is intimately related to how well our NERVE SYSTEM is functioning. Emotional, Physical, or Chemical stressors (the 3T's) cause our body to malfunction, and in time, we grow into a diagnosis. If the body can grow into a problem, it must then have the opportunity to grow out of one. After all, if you don't take care of you, who will? 

Thoughts on marital relationships

Many people find themselves no longer contributing to the relationship as much as they did in the beginning because there is nothing left to pursue. Standards are lowered, and we grow into being roommates. We had time in the beginning, then why not know? Today's "I do's" turn into an "I won't." When that happens, everything stagnates. And resentment ensues. Create a vision, keep God in the middle, and never stop pursuing.  

Attaining hope

The worldly hope is the state between fear and worry derived from a foundation of uncertainty. People in this state are in overdrive, "walking on eggshells" and grow into health conditions like depression or anxiety. The other hope is composed of peace and certainty. It comes from God. It's about relationships, serving, being a light for others with the aim of putting a smile on God's face.