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Men Making A Difference

Three Hendersonville Gentlemen Who Make the City by the Lake Shine

Dr. Duane Harrison

Who are you?

“I am an emergency room physician and the medical director for TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center and TriStar Portland. I have been in practice for 37 years.”


“I mentor high school students who are interested in exploring the healthcare field by allowing them to shadow me and my team in the emergency room. I also work with college students to help them earn their required volunteer hours for medical school consideration. In April, I was honored to be recognized for my work by two different organizations – Envision Physician Services (Care Deeply award) and the Hendersonville Chamber (Healthcare Impact award).


“I am motivated by situations and problems that need solutions. I do my best to serve any person who needs help.”

Why Hendersonville and Sumner County?

“Our community is warm and welcoming, and it has become my home. I have been privileged to serve my fellow neighbors for 31 years.”

Greatest life lesson?

“Over the years, I have learned that the wisdom in Ecclesiastes 11:1 is true – ‘Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.’”

What advice would you give your younger self?

“My Advice to my younger self would be to start with God. The first step in learning is bowing down to God – only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning!”

Jeff “Shannon” Hawkins

Who are you?

“I am a radio personality at WHIN radio, and I also serve as an emcee and a voice over artist. In years past, I was a professional photographer.”


“I am involved with most of the Hendersonville Chamber events, from helping to set up and serving as emcee as needed. I also produce Sumner County Spotlight, which is a weekly radio show that showcases people and organizations that are doing great things in our community.”


“Audiences motivate me to deliver my very best, whether I am speaking or running the soundboard. I am also inspired by my wife and Hendersonville Chamber President/CEO Kathleen Hawkins. I love to hear her speak, teach and motivate others.”

Why Hendersonville and Sumner County?

“Our community eagerly embraces newcomers. Living here makes you feel like this is where you were always meant to be.”

Greatest life lesson?

“My greatest lesson has been to respect others, and to help them succeed in their journey.”

What advice would you give your younger self?

“Save your money. Start saving early and save often.”

Kenny Nolen

Who are you?

“I am a recently retired fire marshal and fire investigator for the City of Hendersonville. I spent 21 years in fire services, and I also have served nearly 25 years with the city’s police department in both full-time and reserve roles.”


“I have been involved in helping plan many of the city’s largest events over the years, including Freedom Fest and Sumner Fest. I am also an active Mason.”


“I am inspired by my friends and family. I am always learning something new from them – they help keep me focused and on track.”

Why Hendersonville and Sumner County?

“I have lived in the area most of my life, and I have seen it grow a lot over the years. However, despite all the changes that I have seen, I will always call our community home.”

Greatest life lesson?

“While it is important to help others, you have to always make time for yourself. You must prioritize your own needs and happiness.”

What advice would you give your younger self?

“Nothing. I have been blessed in my life, and I am pleased with how things have turned out for me.”

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."

Dr. Duane Harrison, quoted from Proverbs 27:17