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Lebanon Tennessee's Men of Influence

Leading with Integrity, Faith, and Servant Hearts

Lincoln Young

President/Owner, Rockwood Sustainable Solutions

I love Wilson County and Lebanon is truly a cornerstone in my life. Growing up, my mother built custom homes in Wilson County, so I spent hours in the Fakes & Hooker showroom, running around hiding in the door displays while she would pick out furnishings with a customer.  My first job was at Southern Tub and Lighting and I would serve as a summer interim youth minister at First Baptist Lebanon.

Fun Fact

I eat at Cedar City every single day right now and love being able to run there for a lunch or meeting.

What advice do you have for future community leaders?

If we use the talents and abilities that God gives us to our fullest, it brings Glory to Him even in the small things. My advice would be to get involved in our community, there are so many good-hearted people here.

Anything you want readers to know about?

When I bought this business in 2019, we were recycling 40,000 tons a year of material, last year we went over 100,000 tons. This is because of a partnership we have with our community.  Whether the reader knows it or not, they are part of this whole thing. When you trim a tree and put the sticks at the curb, you are helping us make mulch.  When you buy mulch at the Coop, you are helping the community. When you pitch a tire, recycle your cardboard, clean out a peanut butter jar before throwing it in the recycling bin, every single act is affecting someone down the road and I cannot thank you enough for trusting Rockwood Sustainable Solutions with the little things.

Todd Allen Tressler, II

Founder/Managing Attorney Tressler & Associates, PLLC, Tressler Title, LLC 

The maternal side of my family (Hobbs) has been in  Lebanon/Wilson County since nearly the very beginning of their existence. I was born and raised here along with several generations before me. I’m extremely proud of my family’s heritage; we still have one of the Hobbs’ family businesses operating since 1909 and I started my own first business during the centennial celebration of that company in 2009. I don’t believe in coincidences, ”coincidences” are simply God's way of speaking to us. 

Advice for future community leaders

Stay away from interests that are not intended to serve the community as a whole. With the history of my family in the area along with my profession and what I do every day. I hear both the good and bad of how our community operates – thus, I implore our elected officials and their supporting casts to stand up for what’s right in our community, not just any one special interest group. 

I believe in a world where gratitude exists at the highest consciousness of faith, allowing for universal knowledge of the true power of love.

Curt Baker

Senior Vice President – Regional President, Wilson Bank & Trust 

Growing up across the river in Gallatin, TN, a football scholarship to Cumberland University led me to Lebanon, TN in 2001, but its embrace kept me here. I am certainly proud of where I’m from and who raised me because it made me who I am, but Lebanon and Wilson County wrote my story of why I chose to call this place home. When I am out of state and asked where I am from, the answer is not Nashville, the answer is Lebanon, TN. This community has given me so much in the last 23 years, the least I can do is spend my life here giving back to make it better. 

Advice to Future Leaders

Those I am closest with would tell you I am a loud person who likes to talk, but I am always watching and always listening. To the future community leaders, don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn through your eyes and ears. The knowledge you gain through that practice is immeasurable and vital to natural leadership.

Words to Live By

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Every morning I wake up with one goal…to be better, and the people of Lebanon, TN help me do just that.

Matthew Greci

Senior Vice President/General Manager, Nashville Superspeedway

My family and I relocated here from Charlotte just two years back. The warm reception from the Wilson County community has made us feel right at home, and we’re so encouraged by the potential future opportunities this area holds.

Words to Live By/Advice to Future Leaders

Lead with your ears. Encouraging open and attentive communication fosters collaboration and unleashes collective potential in both professional and community settings.

Anything you want readers to know? 

Apart from organizing unforgettable events at Nashville Superspeedway, I cherish every moment with my family, love hitting the golf course and thrive on exploring new places through travel.

Jarvis Jenkins

Founder & CEO, Definition of Concrete

I was born and raised in Wilson county, and I absolutely love it! I am fortunate enough to travel and experience other parts of the world, but there ain’t nothing better than coming back home. 

What’s Your Personal Motto/Words to Live by?

The motto I live by is, It pays to know what you’re doing, and it costs when you don’t

Any advice to future leaders in Lebanon

If I could give any advice to the future leaders of the community it would be to continue to seek new innovations, technology, and modernization that updates the infrastructure while bringing the community together. 

I want readers to know that my heart belongs to Wilson County, and I'm dedicated to seeing it thrive through innovation and unity. Lastly, my wonderful wife, two beautiful daughters, and a newborn son (that is growing like a weed) mean the world to me. I truly appreciate the support system not only from my family, but from the community as well. Thank you all!

Paul C. Stumb, Ph.D.

President, Cumberland University

Why Lebanon/Wilson County?

I was raised predominantly in Nashville, but also lived briefly as a child in Atlanta, Charleston, and Boston. As an adult, I have traveled the World, and lived and worked in several other states and countries, but Lebanon / Wilson County is now the permanent home for my wife, me, our grown children and now eight grandchildren. We love our church, our jobs, our many avocational interests, but most of all we love the wonderful people within this community that we call home!

Motto / Words to Live By

When you were born, you cried and the World rejoiced. You should endeavor to live your life in such a manner, that when you die, the World cries and you rejoice!

Advice for future Leaders

The heart of leadership is communication; and the heart of communication is listening!