What makes Mertins unique?
My goal was to provide a personal, boutique experience for my patients and eyewear customers. I also wanted to bring handcrafted, luxury eyewear to NWA because I realized there was a huge, unmet demand.
Your family loves mountain biking - Explain the importance of vision care for athletes.
We are very passionate about mountain biking! All of my children have raced in the Arkansas NICA League, and my husband and I helped start Buffalo Devo., a youth development mountain bike team. 20/20 vision is critical for safety and peak performance, and eye protection is also of utmost importance for all cyclists.
What can we do to improve our eye health?
See your eye doctor on a regular basis. Don’t sleep or swim in contact lenses. For those who spend time on screens, follow the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
What are some preventative tips for healthy vision as we age?
Wear sunglasses that block 100% UV when outdoors, maintain an ideal body weight, eat dark green leafy vegetables, take Omega 3 supplements (in the triglyceride form), and exercise for at least 30-minutes per day.