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Angela Brooks, Claire Neutze, Danielle Kruciak, Vyanka Rojas

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Mission Haus Foundation

Offers Programs for Youth, Seniors, Special Needs Empowerment, and Community Support

In the spring of 2019, Danielle Kruciak made a big change in her life and decided that she not only wanted to serve her clients, but she also wanted to use the gifts that God gave her to give back to her community. This desire blossomed into Mission Haus Group. Danielle is the team lead of MHG with a belief in “Real Estate with a Purpose”. For each closed transaction MHG tithes ten percent to the ministry. The realtors joining Danielle are Claire Neutze, Angela Brooks, and Vyanka Rojas.

Under the Mission Haus Foundation (, are programs for Youth, Seniors, "Empowered" ( individuals with disabilities), and Community Support. The vision of the Foundation is to enable a successful “ever-after” to the under-served in our communities. We want to offer hope to each participant in their journey to break the cycles of failure and fear that often comes with transition/change. The under-served includes but is not limited to youth aging out of foster care, young single parents, and youth with little to no family support.

This ministry is near and dear to my heart as I too was in a difficult season of life after having my first daughter. I learned so much and God blessed me with so many amazing people in my journey. If I can give just a little taste of what I experienced back, I will be happy and feel like I did something to make a difference. Every strategic plan we have  implemented with these kids are tasks I have quite literally experienced and done myself. My goal will continue to be using my specific gifts to glorify God and to serve others.

Danielle is married to a San Antonio Firefighter (her best friend since eighth grade) and a mom to two precious daughters Heidi Kate and June Elizabeth. She has been in the real estate industry since she was nineteen-years-old. During the years 2014 through 2019, she worked on a top-producing team that sold over $30 million for four consecutive years.

The current Board is recruiting additional Board members and volunteers to help in the ministry. Businesses offering internships are welcome. Fundraising plans in 2022 include a Denim & Diamonds Gala on March 5 and an Enneagram Retreat in April.