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Muevelo Cares

Confronting Cancer, One Person at a Time

Article by Jennifer Lorenzetti

Photography by Provided by Yvette Williams

Originally published in Centerville Lifestyle

Yvette Williams is a force to be reckoned with, as one meeting will demonstrate. An educator, singer, fitness guru, and mother, Williams lives her life with the desire to help others, whatever the need. Part of those efforts include her own charity, Muevelo Cares.

Williams founded Muevelo Cares—a 501(c)(3) that helps those with cancer complete small scale projects that have a big impact—six years ago, when her music producer, Moses Montgomery, was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Williams would meet him to pass along hot food for his family, when neither he nor his wife felt like cooking after a day of dealing with treatments.

Sadly Montgomery fell victim to his cancer, but Williams looked around her world and thought, “Maybe I could do this for others with cancer.” She didn’t have to look far. Her uncle, Dr. Joseph Windham, who was instrumental in encouraging her to pursue her PhD, succumbed to cancer, as did her aunt, Paula Windham. Her father, Duke Williams, passed away after a battle with both cancer and diabetes. Additionally several other friends have battled the “Big C.”

This has changed Williams’ perspective on life. “Any day I wake up cancer free is a day I can do something for someone who does [wake up with it],” she said. For Williams, this “something” turned into Muevelo Cares.

The magic of Muevelo Cares comes from Williams’ desire to get to know her recipients and find out what will truly help them or make them feel better. “I deliver cancer care packages tailored to each family. I try to help bring them joy,” she said. 

Take, for example, the avid guitar player who wanted little more than to play. In addition to a gift basket, Williams gave him a gift card to Guitar Center, to buy picks, music, or whatever else would allow him to continue his hobby.

Or consider the woman whose treatment left her with a very restricted diet. Williams went to Dorothy Lane Market and “loaded up,” saving the recipient both a grocery trip and the sometimes exhausting chore of choosing the correct foods.

Yet another example is the 3-year-old boy with brain cancer who was crazy about the superhero Black Panther. Williams clearly had a great time buying Black Panther themed items that the child would enjoy, “to take his mind off of things.” One can well imagine that his family also enjoyed seeing him be a normal child.

Williams clearly enjoys providing this support to those who need it, but she can’t do it alone. “I would expand if I could,” she said. Right now much of the funding for these projects comes from silent auctions and fundraisers. She hosts an annual concert, Viva La Diva, at which this talented singer performs. Silent auction items help raise money. In the past she has included items from WWE’s Mick Foley, comedian D.L. Hughley, singer Sheila E., and rock band Disturbed. Items range from autographs to Zoom based meet-and-greets.

Williams plans to expand her reach into educational support, reflecting her role as a longtime academic. She has established the Duke Williams Music Scholarship, in memory of her father; and she will be launching a piano scholarship to honor her mother.

If you would like to find out more or make a donation to Muevelo Cares, visit the website at