What was your "Aha" moment to launch your own brand?
I’ve spent my entire career developing products designed to preserve youth and push
back the signs of aging—for both women and men. But now, in my late 50s, I see the
world, and the beauty industry, through a completely different lens. Women my age
don’t wake up saying, “Heck yeah! Let’s celebrate our lines and wrinkles!” We’ve been conditioned to see them as flaws rather than the natural markers of a life well-lived. And that realization? That was my aha moment.
The lines on my face and dark spots on my skin are more than just signs of age — they’re a road map of my life’s journey. And guess what? Even with them, I’ve still
got IT—and so do my friends! We’re older, wiser, and more powerful than ever. Yet, so few brands truly celebrate us. While menopause is no longer a taboo topic, it doesn’t have to define us. And when it comes to beauty, it seems like no one is speaking to the 50+ crowd in a way that’s pro-age, positive, and genuinely uplifting.
That’s why I created MYNE Beauty. It’s more than just a beauty brand; it’s a lifestyle. Starting with skincare and makeup, MYNE embraces the concept of youthful thinking in everything we do—right down to the name: My Youth Never Ends. Who better to create it than a seasoned beauty industry product developer who’s navigating the exact same journey? I’ve carefully curated and developed products I know women need and want—because I am the consumer!
How does it feel to take the leap and invest in yourself?
Starting a company is like riding a roller coaster you built yourself—without instructions. In the beginning, just sharing my vision with family, friends, and colleagues was exhilarating. I’d pitch the brand, analyze their reactions, and use their feedback to refine my ideas. But once I dove into actually building the brand, the excitement turned into a full-blown adventure—one filled with unexpected interruptions, a tight budget, and a tiny team of just three: me, myself, and I.
I quickly learned that staying flexible and composed wasn’t just helpful—it was essential for survival.
What advice do you have for other women looking to become an entrepreneur?
1. Believe in yourself like a rockstar. Unapologetically, boldly, and with unstoppable
confidence. Every single day, remind yourself that you are capable of greatness. The journey won’t be easy, and success won’t come overnight, but if you stay dedicated, push through the challenges, and refuse to give up, the rewards will be more than worth it. Stay focused, stay strong, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself—because that’s where true success begins!
2. Don’t back down from challenges, they’re not roadblocks, they’re stepping stones
to something bigger and better! Every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow,
learn, and come up with even better ideas. It can be incredibly helpful to have a mentor, advisor or an amazing spouse, like I do, to guide you, but trust that you have everything you need to find a solution.
3. Don’t try to please everyone. When you focus too much on making others happy,
you risk losing sight of who you are, which can lead to self-doubt and throw your
business plans off track. Trust your instincts and have confidence in your ideas. The
most important thing is to stay true to yourself and your mission—because that’s what
will ultimately lead to success.