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Moxibustion, or cupping, is the use of heat and suction to increase qi and relieve pain naturally.

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The Tomii Healing System

Your Pathway to Health and Energy

          Good health is a measure of energy in the body, which can be taken from us by accident or injury, or drained out of us by the stresses and strains of life. Traditional Chinese Medicine is embedded in ancient wisdom that increases and balances qi (pronounced “chi”), a depletion of which can cause a multitude of symptoms. Qi is obtained from nourishing food, breathing and exercise, and from spending time in natural surroundings, something many people do not get enough of. Evidence shows that stress and poor diet depletes qi, and vital qi can be enhanced and maintained.

            Although qi is not a “thing” you can typically see, the effects can be a mystical experience that some people do not give enough credence. The remarkable results of qi therapy can delay a “seeing is believing” type of person from receiving treatment, but qi can now be measured and analyzed with specialized technology that makes the path to good health even easier to take!

            Lighter Chen, the owner of Tomii Healing and Wellness Center in Anaheim healed himself of type 2 diabetes in 2005 using the methods he now employs to heal others. In 2007 his team designed the signature tool of his practice, the Qi Analyzer, and later opened the Tomii Health and Wellness Center located in Anaheim. Using the Qi Analyzer and his skills as a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Massage Therapist he has helped thousands of individuals with amazing recovery from complex conditions that could not be alleviated by allopathic medicine.

            When you first arrive at the Tomii Healing and Wellness Center, tensions melt away as you are offered warm mulberry tea, an herbal beverage known for its nourishing benefits and lowering blood sugar and blood pressure. Soft music plays in the background as you are welcomed to the health assessment room for a meridian energy qi analysis, and then to the treatment room.

            The non-invasive treatments are acupressure, percussion, tapping, and gliding to stimulate the qi points and meridians that govern qi flow to the vital organs. Another treatment is called moxibustion, also called “cupping,” with an application of heat to a glass cup applied to the skin for up to 15 minutes creating a gentle and persistent suction which releases tension from the muscles. The result is multiple round red areas flushed with blood and nourishment that gives lasting relief for several days.

            Although the benefits of qi enhancement are well documented, many people are not aware of the diversity and convenience of non-drug alternatives. The strength of the Tomii Healing System is that clients feel results consistently and progressively, especially when lifestyle changes are implemented. The practitioner provides care and consistent encouragement to make small but measurable changes in lifestyle that will sustain the results from the treatments. Lighter Chen’s Tomii Healing System is ideal for someone seeking a drug-free alternative to stress reduction, chronic pain management, balance of blood glucose, balance of blood pressure, high quality sleep, and prefers to have evidence of improvement. 

            “Clients feel better after treatment, but they want to know why they feel better,” says Lighter Chen. “The Qi Analyzer is scientifically approved through the FDA and gives clients computerized monitoring of qi, before and after treatment. I can show you results on a screen, but you’ll really believe it because you feel it.”

1 - Qi analysis takes qi measurements at the meridian terminals of the organ systems such as heart, lungs, bladder, stomach, thyroid, kidneys, and small and large intestine. The monitor produces a graphic print-out showing the strengths and weaknesses of all major organs in the body.

2 - Lighter Chen performs acupressure massage and/or cupping, a form of heat-induced suction on the skin and soft tissues that relieves tension and increases qi in the organs when applied to meridians.  

3 - Treatment takes between one hour to 90 minutes. The results range from immediate relief of pain, improved mood, increased relaxation and more restful sleep to a steady remediation of symptoms over time.  

4 - Numerous testimonials and videos about Lighter Chen and the Tomii Healing System can be found on YouTube. To receive the Tomii Healing Experience starting with a complimentary qi analysis, call 714-998-0128 or visit them online at