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Fab’rik in the Hill Country Galleria

Featured Article

New Year Confidence

Finally Discover Your Sense of Style and Walk Into the New Year With Confidence.

There’s a profound connection between liking the way we look and feel in the pursuit of self confidence. Far from being egotistical, it's key to our choices, including clothing, which significantly boosts confidence. Our stylists compiled tips designed to help you rediscover your signature style, ensuring you enter 2024 as your most confident self.

Start this journey by asking the age-old question: What do I like to wear? Take a moment to pinpoint what you love about your favorite item – is it the cut, the color, or something else? Apply the same curiosity to the pieces you're less fond of, and figure out what doesn't resonate.

Next, ask yourself: what kind of outfit makes me feel my best? Even if you feel best in jeans and a T-shirt, that’s great. The key is to invest in quality jeans and shirts. This will ensure that even casual outfits flatter your body and exude freshness.

Now, it's time to part ways with items that no longer serve you. Consider your closet as a practical space rather than a trophy case. It should not only evoke a positive feeling but also simplify your daily outfit choices. 

Getting dressed and liking the way you look doesn’t have to be a distant memory. If you spend some time to figure out what you like to wear, then remove the rest, you’ll start the year off with a more confident, authentic you.

Lana Ashby Rowder / Founder of lookingGLASS Lifestyle

Lana, a nurse and personal stylist residing in Westlake with her husband and two daughters, is renowned for her ability to effortlessly combine luxury with trendy streetwear. She is excited to bring her styling expertise and team to assist you in discovering the dream look you've always wanted.

Instagram: @lookingGLASSLifestyle
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  • Lauren Ross, Lana Rowder, and Stefani Johnson, lookingGLASS Stylists dressed in clothing from Fab’rik in Hill Country Galleria
  • Fab’rik in the Hill Country Galleria
  • Lauren Ross, lookingGLASS Stylist at JCREW Event, Barton Creek Mall
  • Jordan Tonniges, lookingGLASS Stylist at JCREW Event, Barton Creek Mall