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New Year Resolutions

Why they fail and how you can succeed

The New Year is a great time to take inventory, set goals and take charge of your life. But if you’re like most, making resolutions is much easier than keeping them. Rather than focus on the idea of a new beginning, which can lead to disappointment at the first slip, keep in mind that self-improvement is an ongoing endeavor. Setbacks are not failures—they bring wisdom and insight for future success.

Maybe you want to resolve to spend more time with your family, quit smoking or lose weight. You're more likely to succeed if you feel a strong personal commitment rather than "I should."

Put each resolution in writing, and write down the steps to achieve them. Let's say your resolution requires a routine or schedule such as an exercise routine, a new diet or steps toward completing your education. Create a goal chart, a detailed plan and a checklist to track your progress.

Finally, reward yourself, not just once you’ve achieved your goal, but periodically for your success so far. Small, periodic rewards can be motivation enough to keep you strong when you’re ready to throw in the towel.