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When Medicine Meets Meaning

The vein specialists at Truffles believe in honoring your health and giving charity to our community.

Almost every small town in Georgia has an unsung superhero. That all-around good person whose charm, commitment to family, community, charity and local business development helps to elevate everyone that they connect with on a daily basis.  It is quite clear that for Fayette County, that person is none other than Brian Sapp, husband, father, partner at Truffles Vein Specialists with Dr. Paul Feldman, and the practice’s technical director.   In conjunction with his incredible team of practice administrators, nurse practitioners, vascular sonographers, medical assistants, and dedicated office staff, it is Brian who is overseeing the day-to-day operations of the clinics. Together they are a dynamic and engaged work family that reaches out to their community every single day!  Each and every employee is working together with a common goal to give each patient 100% of their attention and the best care imaginable. This is Brian Sapp’s everyday life and he doesn’t even wear a cape.

“I think that anyone who knows me truly understands that my passion for veins and vascular testing is a driving force in my life,” said Brian. While most healthcare workers start their careers with a lot of empathy, Brian made a conscious decision to stay empathic and to really listen to what his patients are trying to tell him. “I love to teach,” said Brian, “so the combination of empathy and education really resonates with most of our patients.” It might be said that Brian’s family started him down the path of ultrasound.  “My first experience with ultrasound was the ultrasound of my firstborn, Logan,” said Brian, “I was nineteen years old!”  After enrolling in school in Atlanta he quickly realized that he did not want to spend his life scanning babies and went back to school immediately for cardiovascular ultrasound. 

With over twenty-three years of dedicated vascular ultrasound expertise, Brian has seen many incredible advances in diagnostic technology. “Ultrasound machines are vastly better than ever before and they keep improving.” Truffles Vein Specialists currently uses the top-of-the-line Philips Epic ultrasounds systems; in fact, Brian teaches courses at Philips Healthcare and has held training seminars in the latest technology across the country and will be guest lecturing at UCLA later this year. Continuing education and community engagement are equally important for Brian and between national employee conferences, intraoffice team building, and working within the community, the staff at Truffles have truly developed the perfect corporate culture as well as a true work-life balance. 

One of Brian’s most heroic personal and professional commitments is to his position on the Board of Directors for the Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance (GOCA); a position that he has held for six years. “For me, GOCA provides a fresh look at life as these women are fighters,” said Brian.  In this position, Brian has introduced his entire office to the organization; sponsored and attended the Shaken, Not Stirred Gala held annually at Georgia Aquarium. He has also organized fundraising walk teams representing Truffles Vein Specialists at the Teal Trot and, this year, co-hosted the GOCA Broadcast Television Event with Tracye Hutchins, CBS46 news anchor.  “We are a family at work,” said Brian, “these events give us a time to do something other than veins and also exposure for our staff to the mission of GOCA so they can share with our patients who might someday be ovarian cancer patients and survivors.” Through his altruistic behavior, our hero, and the entire staff at Truffles Vein Specialists, have become advocates for this incredible women’s organization educating everyone on the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.  “We have had several patients with the diagnosis,” said Brian, “1 in 78 women will get this awful disease, someone I know will be personally affected, and when they are, I will be waiting to help them fight and overcome the disease.”  

It is at this point that the magic happens. How do you combine your love of cardiovascular ultrasound and your commitment to educating everyone on the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer? Please be introduced to Truffles Vein Specialist Vascular Screenings for GOCA!  A hybrid health, education, awareness, and fundraising event to ensure your vascular health and longevity and to raise critical funds and awareness for GOCA.

Vascular testing involves imaging of the arteries and veins in the body, including arteries feeding the brain, arms, legs, major organs, the carotid arteries, the abdominal aorta, the lower extremity arteries for blockages as well as venous disease. 

For a $150 tax-deductible donation to Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance, you will receive a vascular screening performed by a registered vascular sonographer using state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment at a Truffles Vein Specialists office near you.  Truffles Vein Specialists will donate 200 screenings and all you have to do is call and book your vascular screening, first come, first served. Every screening will be reviewed by a registered physician who is credentialed in vascular interpretation.  Any serious findings (and there will be some) will be communicated to the individual immediately. For everyone at Truffles Vein Specialists, this program is simply the right thing to do. “We have state-of-the-art equipment; why not put it to good use, the life we save may just very well be yours!”

Book your appointment now at a time that is convenient for you. You could potentially save your own life as well as make an impact on the lives of women all across the State of Georgia who may be battling, have battled, or will battle ovarian cancer.

For more information about Truffles Vein Specialists please visit or to learn about the Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance please visit If you'd like to register for your vascular screening to benefit GOCA please scan the QR code in their ad on the back cover of this magazine.