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Benjamin Sutantri shows his moves on the guitar.

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Opening Move

Northlake resident rises quickly to top 75 of 7-year-old chess players

When buying a chess set for her son Benjamin, Reina Sutantri thought it would give him a fun hobby to play around with.

She didn’t know just how quickly the then 5-year-old would take to the game.

“I got it thinking he’d learn how to move the pieces. He really got into it and started checking books out at the library like ‘Beginner’s Chess.’ Then he got really good.” Reina recalled. “For his sixth birthday, his present was to go to his first tournament.”

The young Northlake resident won the tournament and even took out a player twice his age.

“It was so much fun. I got first place and even beat a 10th grader,” Benjamin said.

The now 7-year-old hasn’t slowed his pace in his two years of playing the game, earning a spot among the top 100 players nationally in his age group. He is currently ranked 78th, moving up seven spots in the past month.

“His rating goes up and down, depending on how he places at tournaments. About six months ago, we got the email saying he was in the top 100 for his age in the United States,” Reina said.

Benjamin doesn’t get caught up in the rankings. He just enjoys the game and the opportunity to match up with other players. 

“My mom got me a chess set and I just started loving it,” Benjamin said.

“It’s so much fun. When you play, you have access to other people and can make friends. You meet new people every time you play.”

Earlier this year, he competed at his first national tournament — a three-day event. 

He practices regularly online, but also attends open play in Irving at the Texas Chess Center. 

“I play every day. Usually I’m playing by myself and seeing what I miss,” Benjamin said.

“The game is always a struggle, so it’s really nice to win.”

He also takes online lessons, working with a coach. 

He’s become a true student of the game, rattling off his various favorite opening moves from the Queen’s Gambit to the Sicilian Defense.

But chess is not the only talent for the precocious 7-year-old. He plays the classic guitar with near perfect precision.

“We tried a music lesson to see his rhythm. After that, the teacher told us to get him a guitar,” Reina said.

He hopes to upgrade to an electric guitar.

But for now, he’s busy perfecting his rhythm on the guitar and moves on the chess board.

“It’s so much fun. When you play, you have access to other people and can make friends. You meet new people every time you play.”

Benjamin Sutantri