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Organize Life

Custom Solutions Arranged Just For You

How many times have you asked yourself, “Where did I put that?” or wished, “If only I had more space.” This is where professional organizers can help.

A year ago, Amy Delaplain and Cynthia Lindsey combined their organizational expertise and launched Its ARRANGED in Franklin. Today, the women are happy they did, because they say the synergy between them has been incredible, both professionally and personally.  

“We felt we were very strong women with successful businesses that could take it to another level by joining forces,” says Amy.

Over the past year, they’ve realized there are now three key organizational areas that are in high demand. First, there is the traditional organizing in a home, whether it be a closet, a kitchen, a garage, or an attic. Second is move management.

“People are in transition,” says Cynthia. “As move managers, we can do the packing and manage the movers.”

Third, she says, is the really fun part, which is the unpacking and setting up the home. “This is a combination of organization and what we call ‘arranged spaces,’ which is really interior design. People are asking, ‘Where should I put my couch?’ or ‘Where should I hang my art?’”

Its ARRANGED can handle all of these needs. “The foundation of what we offer is project management, and at the root of it all is problem solving,” says Amy. “A lot of our clients are busy professionals who don’t have the time to coordinate everything.”

To fulfill clients wishes, Its ARRANGED has a whole team at the ready. “Everyone on our team is very like-minded when it comes to helping others and seeing a plan through,” says Amy. “We don’t get overwhelmed. We’ve seen it all and it honestly doesn’t faze us.”

“The beauty of a team is having different strengths and talents and personalities,” says Cynthia, who adds they try to match the organizational needs and personality of the client with the team member who would be the best fit.

Many people, explains Cynthia, don’t realize that clutter causes increased stress in their lives. “It’s not about the stuff; it’s really about what the stuff is causing in the household. It has an effect on you. You’re not being as creative, you’re less productive, and it’s affecting relationships.”

Both women feel that if you want to be productive and reach goals in your life, it’s very important to have a calm, peaceful space where you can go and do what needs to get done. Being organized is also about time management; when you have to search for items in order to do a job, you’re wasting precious time.

For organized spaces to stay organized, Its ARRANGED also offers monthly maintenance visits. They understand it’s sometimes hard for people to stay on top of it.

Here, Amy and Cynthia share some tips on having a better-organized, well-designed and beautiful space:

  • Evaluate the space you have. Things you use on a regular basis should be in your key real estate. It’s really about creating the function and flow that works for you.
  • Look for opportunities to maximize your space. It’s really important to not just focus on horizontal space, but to utilize vertical space as well. And there are also dead-space opportunities that can be repurposed. For example, the back of a pantry door can be used for storage. Or, in a cabinet, you might have 20 inches of height but you’re only putting things on the bottom level. Here’s a chance to create a second shelf, another tier, or a drawer system inside this cavity.
  • Put beauty to work. In an office, a good work flow is of course super important, but so are aesthetics. That’s where you spend hours of time, so make it a place you want to go and feel good in. And don’t forget about lighting; you need to be able to see what you’re working on.
  • Identify the one, two, or three things that you must get done in a day and know the night before what those things are. And don’t constantly look at email. Set certain times aside throughout the day to check and respond to emails. This helps keep you focused on the big tasks.

“What we offer as a company and as women business partners is a lot of life experience – that helps makes us good at what we do,” says Cynthia. “We’re very real, we don’t have cookie cutter programs, so it’s all custom based upon the person and their life. And, we’re very much about people living their lives to the fullest, and people feel better when their space feels better.”

To find out more about Its ARRANGED and how Amy, Cynthia and their team can help you get organized, go to

  • Amy Delaplain
  • Cynthia Lindsey