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Outdoor Rooms With Personality

An article on eco-living wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t give ideas that inspire you to create personalized and meaningful outdoor spaces. Bill Schau and his team at Landscape Solutions shared great examples that inspired me, and I hope they inspire you too!

Outdoor rooms impact all our senses. Sounds of trickling water, the warmth of firepits, the visual palette of nature’s textures, seasonal colors and scents. The biodiversity you can invite or avoid depends on your design’s wish list. At night, you can “paint with light”, to accent your home’s architecture, create artful botanical shadows, and light pathways that welcome you home.

Hers & His: Like our personalities differ, so can the designs of our outdoor spaces. This couple each had a specific wish list. She wanted a space to entertain with an outdoor kitchen and bar. He wanted privacy with a water feature to sit and read a book. The challenge: they didn’t have a back yard. The solution: a three-tier custom-designed side yard as their personalized home retreat.   

The Doctor’s pond: After a long day of helping patients, this doctor’s tranquil sanctuary is his koi pond. The peaceful sound of the waterfall, the greenery, and playful koi fish help him relax. This custom zenful space was designed and installed for serenity.

Liberty House: Located on the waterfront in Jersey City, the most popular seating is outdoor, where you’re surrounded by plush landscaping, embraced by cool summer winds, and have amazing views of Manhattan. Signature “green” pocket spaces with firepits for gourmet marshmallow roasting are in high demand. A modern outdoor space with warmth!

The process? Establish your goals and budget. From the survey, they create a conceptual plan with a list of recommendations, a “shopping cart” approach that includes materials and plant choices, so it can be done in phases,. A 3D realistic digital plan is available.

The Cost?  Depends on the design. About $3K-$5k for a small project. A patio, $8K-$10K. A design fee can range up to $750, and 50% is applied to the cost of your project.

With 30+ years of experience, their attention to customer service, creative functional designs, and genuine care is their DNA. Their portfolio includes universities, hospitals, and more. Whether your home is large or small, in North Jersey or down the shore, the opportunities to design your personal customized outdoor spaces are endless, reasonably priced and within reach!