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Owner of Clean Colonic Carolyn Berry

Colon Hydrotherapy is cleansing of the large intestines with warm filtered water. Results range from relief of constipation and bloating, to weight loss and improved energy.

Clean Colonic is locally owned and operated, and follows the protocol and session recommendation as guided by the manufacture of the Class 2 medical device LIBBE. LIBBE (lower intestine bottom bowel evacuation) is a high end class 2 medical device that is an open system with a built in charcoal water filter and a UV light that controls water temperature and flow.

"You can carry anywhere between 5-25lbs pounds or more of waste in the large intestines. Removing that helps free up the body giving you a sense of being "clean" once it is removed. A good candidate is someone who may have struggled getting to the bottom of their issues, those with gastrointestinal issues, those looking to kick start their weight loss, or people who want to improve their over all health," said Owner Carolyn Berry. 

Berry left her prestigious corporate job to prepare for business ownership. Colonics had healed her of many internal and physical issues, and she felt it was the perfect fit; to help people and bring awareness to the industry of colon hydrotherapy. 

"I was creating a self help program to share with others and wound up on this path instead. My health was poor, and colon hydrotherapy was so even helped me avoid surgery. After 7 session I had no more problems with my menstrual cycle, my back stopped hurting and I had eliminated my food allergies. From this sprung Clean Colonic. I never thought I'd be helping people in this way, but now I am healing them from the inside out!"

Berry adds that privacy, modesty, comfortability and cleanliness of the session is Clean Colonic's focus. 

"I was swollen in my abdominal area after I ate. I tried a colonic and after 5 sessions I have had no more bloating."

"I have been trying to lose weight and felt stuck.  After 1 colonic I lost 5 pounds and after a series the weight kept dropping."

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