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Avery with Lynn and Towana Bowles and their 24-year-old military macaw, Sarg.

Featured Article

Pampered Pets and Their Parents

Hendersonville Pets Take Center Stage

Across the United States, pet owners are going to new heights in the care and pampering of their furry companions. Today, dogs, cats and other animals are not simply adopted and provided basic care. Instead, modern-day pet parents treat their animals like family members. From exotic foods to extended veterinary care to custom grooming and massages, today’s pets have it made.

Pet influence is everywhere, from the explosive growth of high-end pet supply stores to the large volume of pet product commercials aired daily on television. According to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent $69.51 billion on pet care in 2017. This spending is expected to rise to $72.13 billion in 2018.

As usual, Hendersonville is no exception to this trend. Local pet owners go to great lengths to ensure that their animal companions have the highest quality nourishment, housing, recreation and healthcare.

Below are three prominent local pet owners and their furry (and feathered) friends.

Towana and Lynn Bowles and Avery

Hendersonville residents Towana and Lynn Bowles lead active lives in the community. After spending years working in the newspaper industry, Towana now works in practice support at the Parallon Business Performance group of HCA. Lynn, too, got his start in the newspaper business, specializing in automotive coverage and advertising. Today, he is best known for being the publisher of Hendersonville Lifestyle.

What is your pet's name? 

Our dog’s name is Avery.

How old is he? 

Avery turned 11 on July 4, 2018.

What is the type or breed of your pet? 

Avery is a bit exotic. He is a Bichon Frise, a small dog breed known for having friendly, outgoing personalities.

What is your pet’s favorite toy?

Avery’s current favorite is an elephant squeeze toy.

What is your pet’s favorite food? 

While Avery likes a lot of different foods, his favorite things to eat are Greenie Treats.

Where is your pet’s favorite place to play? 

Avery likes to play everywhere, but his happy place is our family room.

How did you choose your pet? 

I gave Avery to Towana as an anniversary gift.

What is an interesting/funny story about your pet?

When he was young, Towana always kept Avery on a leash when taking him out to use the bathroom. As he grew older, I encouraged Towana to take him out without the leash occasionally to help train him. One day, Towana finally took him outside without a leash. We had a large pond in our backyard at the time. When Avery saw the pond, he noticed a couple of ducks in it. He immediately took off after them, diving into the pond head first. Towana ran back into the house to get me, yelling that she was afraid that Avery was going to drown. When we both came back outside, Avery was sitting on the grass, playfully shaking himself off albeit covered in green pond moss. It took several baths before the green moss tint left his fur. Needless to say, Towana resumed taking him outside on a leash.

Debrah K. Frizzell and Gus

Debrah K. Frizzell began her legal career in 1986 after graduating from the Nashville School of Law. Since then, Debrah has spent more than 30 years practicing law in such diverse areas as criminal defense, worker’s compensation and plaintiff litigation. She also has more than 10 years of experience as a Rule 31 Mediator in family law.

Currently, Debrah's practice is concentrated on family matters, mediation, child custody/support, adoption, parental rights and estate planning.

What is the name of your pet? 

My dog’s name is Gus. However, we usually think of him as Gus, the Law Dog.

How old is your pet? 

Gus is 7 years old.

What is the type or breed of your pet? 

Gus is a Maltese/Shih Tzu mix.

What is your pet’s favorite toy?

Gus loves his little blue bear.

What is your pet’s favorite food? 

Like most dogs, Gus likes a lot of things, but his favorite food is popcorn.

Where is your pet’s favorite place to play? 

Gus loves to play on my bed. He doesn’t care what he is doing as long as it is on my bed.

How did you choose your pet? 

Gus was the shy one of his litter. When I picked him up and he put his little head on my neck, I knew that he was the one. We chose each other.

What is an interesting/funny story about your pet? 

Gus has been going to the law office with us since we got him at 7 weeks old. He is our baby, and we could not imagine leaving him home alone. He understands the phrases "let's go to work" and "let's go home." At one time, I said, "There won't be any dogs in our house." I have gladly had to eat those words many times over!

Tammy and Jonathan Hayes and Cherokee

Longtime Hendersonville residents Tammy and Jonathan Hayes lead active lives in the community. A former teacher and women’s ministry director at First Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tammy is currently serving as the District 1 representative on the Sumner County School Board. Jonathan is a retired medical sales manager who is the incoming president of the Hendersonville Rotary Club.

What is the name of your pet? 

Our cat’s name is Cherokee. Our neighbors found her as a stray near the boat docks at the Cherokee Steak House just outside of Gallatin and brought her home. They named her Cherokee after where they found her. She left them later and moved in with us.

How old is your pet? 

She thinks that she is 2 years old, but we think that she is probably about 15 years old.

What is the type or breed of your pet? 

We are not sure, but we do know that she thinks she is royalty. According to our vet, she is from Europe. Given her diva personality, we think that she is from the south of France.

What is your pet’s favorite toy?

Her favorite toys are baby birds—she loves to bring them to the front door to show them off. Wherever I go she follows me, unless she isn’t feeling it.

What is your pet’s favorite food? 

Cherokee eats Purina Cat Chow as a rule, but she loves Whiskas Temptations treats.

Where is your pet’s favorite place to play? 

Her favorite play place is anywhere that Jonathan is at any given time. She follows him everywhere that he goes unless she is not in the mood.

How did you choose your pet? 

We didn’t choose her; she chose us. One night, she left the neighbors who had brought her home, crawled through our screen door and then jumped on our bed. That’s when we knew that she was at least interested in living with us.

What is an interesting/funny story about your pet?

Dogs have owners, but Cherokee has staff. We live to serve her royal needs.