This summer, Pinnacle's Youth Group raised money at their yearly rummage sale, offsetting the cost of their important mission trip to Nassau in the Bahamas. Church members of all ages volunteered many hours so the Youth Group could have this international philanthropic experience.
"We took food, clothing, led worship, hosted a vacation bible school and sports camp and retiled a church that suffered hurricane damage while in Nassau. Many parents work all day in this lower-income area, and the kids benefit greatly from the one-on-one contact with our youth," Youth Pastor Rev. Frank Harmon says.
"Our rummage sale raises money for our Youth Missions. They love the generational aspect of it; it's hard to find opportunities where 80 and 14-year-olds can work together." –Youth Pastor Rev. Frank Harmon
"Our whole church pulls together for the rummage sale in an attempt to raise the most money possible to help fund the youth mission trips that are nation- and worldwide! –Tyler, youth group member
"One of my favorite things about Pinnacle’s Youth Program is the people I’ve met and the friendships I’ve made. It’s like my second family because they feel like big brothers and sisters to me. Whenever we are all together, whether it’s at our Sunday Youth Group or on a mission trip, we always are laughing and having a great time." –Raina, youth group member
"I love volunteering at the rummage sale because it brings so many different groups of people together all to benefit Youth Mission. The dedication of the older retired members working alongside the youth and their parents is really something special. As a parent of a student in the youth program, I have enjoyed getting to know the other students and have made special friendships while giving back to the church." –Suzie Bachinsky