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Featured Article

Pollinator Gardens

Provide Food and Habitat for Wildlife

Article by Felicia Zbranek-Zeitman, President/Boerne Chapter, Native Plant Society of Texas

Originally published in Boerne Lifestyle

There’s no time like the Spring to add native plants to your property to attract the Hill Country’s beautiful butterflies and birds to your home. 

The Pollinator Garden Assistance and Recognition Program (PGARP) is a joint project between the Texas Master Naturalist and the Boerne Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas. Volunteers from these organizations consult with homeowners or businesses (FOR FREE) about adding native plants to their landscapes not only to attract pollinators but to help preserve the plants that are unique to the Texas Hill Country.

Pollinator gardens provide much needed food and habitat for the wildlife of our beautiful Texas Hill Country.  Without the pollinators, 80% of food we eat could not be produced, and most of our wildflowers would be lost due to lack of pollination. Examples: Veterans Plaza, Main Street Plaza, Boerne Convention & Visitors’ Bureau, Boerne Chamber of Commerce and Phyllis Browning Co. 

If you want to attract more birds and butterflies to your home or business or you want information about having your property recognized as Hill Country Pollinator Garden, please visit or