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Flooding has become a regular event in Hendersonville, particularly in low lying areas.

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Protecting Home and Family Through Preparation

Emergency Management Professional Tells How To Create An Emergency Kit To Prepare for Adverse Weather, Power Outages And Other Natural Disasters

In recent years, Hendersonville has experienced more than its share of natural disasters, including flooding, severe thunderstorms, extreme winter weather and of course, tornados. Each of these incidents have caused disruptions that have adversely impacted the community for days at a time.

Ultimately, the community united and began the long, slow repair and rebuilding process. Along the way, most people learned a valuable lesson about how to deal with future similar disasters – be prepared.

As we approach the traditional spring thunderstorm season, Hendersonville Lifestyle decided to pick up a few preparedness tips from our county’s chief emergency manager, Sumner County Emergency Management Agency Director Ken Weidner.

What types of natural disasters should people in Sumner County and Middle Tennessee prepare for in advance?

“Locally, our biggest exposure is to severe weather, such as flooding and high winds. However, we are also located between the East Tennessee and New Madrid seismic zones, which places us at a medium risk for earthquakes. Any of these situations can cause interruptions to power, communications, fuel and food supplies.”

What factors should a homeowner consider when putting together a home emergency kit?

“Preparing for a home emergency depends upon several factors, including the size of the household, the type of household (city vs. rural) and any special needs by family members (e.g. oxygen, medications, electrically powered devices). If the family has one or more pets, their needs also need to be considered, including food, medications and the need for shelter during adverse weather. This point is particularly critical in rural households with livestock.”

What components are essential for a home emergency kit, e.g. electrical cords, flashlights, batteries, weather radio, etc.?

“While the exact contents of a home emergency kit vary by individual and family needs, there are several basics that are essential for everyone. Here are some of the things that preparedness experts strongly recommend.

·      Water – one gallon per person per day for several days

·      Food – several days’ supply, nonperishable

·      Medications – prescription and over the counter – should be rotated regularly

·      Flashlight

·      Weather radio – battery operated

·      Cell phone and/or Wi-Fi hot spot

·      Batteries and power banks (should be checked regularly)

·      First aid kit

·      Blankets and other cold weather gear

·      Toilet paper and wipes

·      Whistle

Along with these items, we also recommend including copies of personal identification and contact information.”

What sort of vital records should be included in a home emergency kit, e.g. copies of insurance documents, passports, contact numbers, etc.?

“The Federal Emergency Management agency recommends including a document folder containing copies of your vital records within your emergency kit, and we at Sumner EMA concur. Here are some items to consider.

·      Identification – birth and marriage certificates, passports, Social Security cards, vaccination records

·      Financial and legal – insurance policies, tax returns, deeds, titles, statements and investment records, credit card accounts, wills

·      Medical – insurance cards, prescription records, immunization records, contact information for providers

·      Emergency contacts – important phone numbers and email information for family members, employers, schools, insurers, utilities, first responders

Along with paper copies of these records, we also recommend maintaining scanned or downloaded electronic versions of these documents. As with their paper counterparts, the electronic copies should be regularly updated and stored in several locations, e.g. flash drive in the emergency kit, secure online storage, secure storage wallet apps on smart phones.”

For more information about emergency preparedness, where should homeowners go?

“There are a variety of online resources to help homeowners prepare for emergencies, most notably Of course, we at Sumner EMA are always happy to help our local community stay prepared. We can be reached online at or by phone at 615.452.7584.”

"We are at the mercy of the potential effects of severe weather. Get prepared now, and don’t let complacency overtake your ability to make decisions for your family during critical times."

Ken Weidner