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Pure Gold

You know that feeling of meeting someone for the first time and yet feeling as though you’ve been friends forever? That feeling came over me when I met Chris. He is pure gold, and he enriched my life in one morning.

He speaks with gratitude, embraces love, and attracts synchronicity. He’s that guy you’ll chat with for five hours and then are eager to chat with for five more. His journey has been full of challenges and change and also fulfillment. As a father, son, and husband, he prioritizes human connection. Travel to Hawaii to surf with his daughter? Yes. Go to Maine to celebrate his son’s first home? Yes. Climb a 14er with his #1 lady? Yes. Reflect on the gifts of life? Yes. Meet new people and hear their stories? Yes. Cheer for the Broncos? Hell yes. If it involves people and experience and love, then Chris is all about the yes. It is no wonder why he loves being a realtor. Families, dreams, new experiences, and connection. No doubt Chris will work for you and do all he can to meet your needs and provide you with the happiest home buying or selling experience. No doubt. However, that business transaction is small in Chris’ universe. The exchange of laughter, stories, and candid conversation supersedes any business transaction and fuels Chris’ happiness. 

Some know Chris White as their realtor, others know him as an American Army veteran, and still others know him as a window washing expert. But everyone knows Chris as a standup guy and a great friend. He’s full of wisdom and jokes, deep reflection and sarcasm, and most of all, love. 

Chris said to me, “I really believe most people are good.” And the guy himself is no exception. Spend an hour with Chris, and I promise you will feel what I felt and be eager to see him again. 

Chris White
