Luxury handbags can be attainable without the intimidation. That is the philosophy of handbag designer Sage Aubrey. Her line, including the LUNA and VITA handbags, are classic, edgy and have an iconic shape, making them identifiable.
Aubrey’s story is not typical for her industry. After a philanthropic career, she was inspired by a successful fashion designer to start her own business. Her authentic take on how she found her own great success is inspiring.
“I was self-taught. With no industry contacts, I had many ideas but was often told 'no' by manufacturers," Aubrey says. "Once given the chance to create a sample, I was able to start on my journey.”
Today, celebrities like Eva Longoria and Vanessa Hudgens are seen carrying her bags, and she was recently nominated to be part of FITDE in New York for emerging designers.
“I am so community-driven. I network a lot in the Valley, and it’s such a supportive community. They tell my story and buy the brand; it’s been life-changing.”
Luxury handbag collections are often best displayed in the home through creative and custom organization. Danielle Wurth of Wurth Organizing shares insight about organizing in her new book, Ignite the Organizer in You.
Make Your Collection P.O.P.
Every organizing solution must P.O.P.—pretty, organized and purposeful. Each letter of the acronym serves a purpose. If your solution does not address each letter, then you truly don’t have an effective solution.
Shelf Dividers
Dividers support and protect purses to stay upright. Keep purses in a cloth bag vs. plastic to allow the purse skin to breathe and stay dust-free.
Stand for Something
Your clutch collection can quickly transform by using a simple acrylic letter sorter. Arrange first by size, color tone and then pattern.