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Putt, Chip, Pitch to Perfection

3 Ways to Confirm Which Shot To Use Based on Your Handicap

Article by Jeremy K. Franks, PGA

Photography by Meahgan K. Photography

Originally published in Frederick Lifestyle

One of the biggest challenges as a golfer is knowing what shot to play and when. The key is understanding what shot works best for you based on your ability. The tips below will help you decide what to do around the green. We encourage you to follow these techniques to determine with confidence when to Putt, Chip or Pitch from any lie! 

I always recommend PUTTING anytime you have the opportunity to use the flat stick. The reason why it should always be your first choice is that it has the least amount of loft on the face of the club allowing for the least amount of fat or thin shots to accrue. Practice even putting out of rough on a downhill or sidehill lie around the practice green. If you are a higher handicap player, practice putting from all around the practice green to see if you can consistently get on the green on your first swing of the putter. 

CHIPPING with a 7 or 8 iron is the next best golf shot to attempt for the same reason as the putter. It has less loft than your wedges which means less margin for error. Set up with the toe of the club down and the heel of the club off the ground. It will feel very much like a putt. Use this method when you have to carry about 3-5 yards of turf that would negatively affect a putt. If you don’t have a lot of space between the edge of the green and the flag, try this same shot using a pitching wedge or sand wedge. It will start higher and roll out less than a 7 or 8 iron.

Last but not least is PITCHING. In order to be a good golfer, you will need to have this shot in the bag. When playing golf you will have to get over a bunker or water hazard that will require a high lofted, quick stopping golf shot. Practice this shot a lot but use it only when you have no other option as it has the most room for error. Play the ball in the middle to slightly ahead in your stance, use your most lofted wedges, usually a 56 or 60 degree of loft. Swing the club back to your belt line and brush through the impact area all the way to a full finish. The higher the finish, the higher the ball will travel. Hold the finish to see how far the ball travels and adjust your length of swing to send the ball different distances.

With over 25 years in the golf business, Jeremy Franks has a passion for instruction. He started as a “cart kid” at Little Bennett in Clarksburg, MD while playing on the community college golf team. He became All American his second year and went on to play at Towson University.  He was the medalist at his Player Ability Test. He began working for elite clubs in the DMV which catapulted his career as a Head Golf Professional.

After 11 seasons as Head Pro in Virginia, Jeremy retired to focus on his real passion: instruction. He desires to keep golf simple and inspire others to health and wellness through golf. As a teacher, he has guided students towards their goals including professional golfers, All American collegiate players, club champions and countless career rounds. He also loves to inspire the new golfer, who doesn't know where to begin. His approachable and kind demeanor makes every type of golfer feel comfortable.

To find out more about the My Pro Golfer Philosophy and ways you can start or improve your golf game, check us out on Instagram @MyProGolfer24 and YouTube @JeremyFranks24. For a deeper dive, visit—we are eager to help you learn and grow in the great game of golf!