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Q&A with Laksmi Lumpkin, interior designer

Article by WKL Team

Photography by Saray Taylor Roman Photography and Kara Hudgens

Originally published in West Knoxville Lifestyle

What sparked your interest in interior design? 

I have had a design aesthetic since I was 9 years old. Enhancing spaces to make them more beautiful and functional has been a driving force my entire life. I have been rearranging my mother’s furniture and painting walls since I can remember. 

How would you describe your personal aesthetic? 

Eclectic, fun, colorful, and unexpected. In my home there are a mix of antiques, Italian and Asian with splashes of a modern flair all around. Each room is a different color. I've even created custom colors based on flowers that enticed my senses. 

What’s your creative process like? 

I start by learning who my clients are - what they like, how they flow within their current environment, their lifestyle. Do they love parties? Do they have small children or elderly parents that are a part of the family home? After gathering all that information I then create design boards showcasing the design concept. Once approved I work closely with my clients, the contractor and architect to ensure the design is implemented correctly.  

What’s your idea of a perfect space to design? 

A blank slate! I much prefer to be brought into a design at the beginning. If you are working with an architect or builder it is essential to have an Interior Designer start thinking of space planning of the furniture at the beginning. These are things builders and most architects do not consider.  

What inspires you the most? Where do you draw inspiration? 

Nature! I get my greatest ideas when I am outside surrounded by the beauty of East Tennessee. High Point Market is another great place to be inspired. I never miss the furniture market!

What do you want readers to know about you?

I'm a logical artist, which is an oxymoron. I love to think of all the details that make a home the most enjoyable to experience with an analytical and artistic eye. Your home should be your haven. When you come home to retreat from your busy everyday life you should feel as if you have walked into your own personal haven.