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Quality Outdoor Time

Adventures with the Dutton Family

Article by Monty Montgomery

Photography by Courtesy of Josh Dutton

Originally published in Arvada Lifestyle

The kick-off month of summer is finally here, and there’s plenty for Colorado families to do for fun. From sun-filled daylight and school summer breaks to the family vacations that accompany them, there’s no doubt families in the area will be taking advantage of the season. At least, for Josh Dutton and his nature-loving family, the summer break couldn’t have come any sooner.

Arvada is home to plenty of outdoorsy families who’d rather hike the landscape than simply adore it, and the Dutton family is no exception. Josh is an area manager and home loan advisor with Caliber Home Loans. He says he and his wife take their 11 year-old daughter on at least a dozen trips every year. “Having a daughter changed my whole world, my whole life perspective.”

The family is usually camping, and where there’s camping, there’s hiking. According to Josh, his daughter, Kara, can now hike 10 miles without even blinking, even at her young age. Their three dogs are a Golden Mountain Doodle, a Great Dane, and a coyote-husky mix, and they never miss a trip with the Dutton family. “The dogs are a huge part of our lives, so we always take ‘em on our family outings. We wouldn’t want them to miss out on a hike.” The Duttons also participate in a lot of running events as a family, especially trail running, and they have a pool in their backyard--anything to stay out of the house and in the sun.

For the Duttons, their commitment to getting away stems from a desire to get outside. Josh has always been a lover of the outdoors, and is thrilled to have looped his family into it. “When you’re out in the middle of nowhere, and you can just live free, it’s absolutely magical.”

Their family vacations are boosted by a certain asset which is a vehicle that turns camping up to the next level. Josh’s customized Dodge Rebel, AKA the “Rebellious Beast,” renders rough terrain a stroll on the beach. Bought in 2018 and outfitted in 2019, the monster of a truck has extensive upgrades built into it. 

From motor and exhaust upgrades to new paint, a truck bed tent, and the gear that accompanies it, Josh bought it with the clear intent to make it his own. It also features gas and water tanks on racks attached to the truck bed for emergencies. According to Josh and accompanied by a chuckle, the vehicle’s moniker stems from his issue with authority.

In true Colorado fashion, Josh’s passion for the outdoors, along with his Rebellious Beast, make for those lasting memories his daughter will remember into adulthood. With summer fast approaching, now is the time to start planning those nostalgia-worthy trips. This Father's Day, June 19th, and beyond, consider getting outside with your little ones. Whether you’re going on a quick hike, a weekend camping trip, or a week-long backpacking excursion, enjoying the outdoors is bound to be rewarding.

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