Dr. Kris Berkner grew up not going to doctors very often. Her family came from a farming background where they were used to cooking meals from scratch and only ever sought medical care if it was something that went beyond home remedies. However, medicine was always something that interested her, but she didn't come to it straight away. Dr. Berkner began as Queen Creek's first massage therapist, working for about 7 years before she decided to get a degree in Naturopathic medicine.
So what exactly is Naturopathic care and what distinguishes it from traditional medicine? Dr. Berkner says that the Naturopathic approach looks at the patient as a whole. A variety of factors such as nutrition and lifestyle is considered and solutions can range from tinctures, acupuncture, homeopathy, and more. In contrast, traditional western medicine seeks to manage symptoms through prescribing pharmaceutical drugs. Dr. Berkner says her goal is to discover the root cause instead, bring the body into balance, and encourage the body's natural ability to heal. Thereby avoiding costly synthetic drugs that could possibly be doing more harm than good.
Although the Naturopathic approach tends to use natural or ancient practices to treat patients, Dr. Berkner is actually licensed in primary care and can still write prescriptions if she must. However, she argues that health should be a priority and you have to 'work' to make changes and stick to them. Most of the patients that have come to her have felt that western medicine has failed them in some way and are ready to make that kind of commitment.
The first appointment is typically an hour long and is an in-depth look at your circumstances and habits. From there, a plan is agreed upon on how to go forward and follow ups will either require tweaks or adjustments to treat their issues as they progress. Dr. Berkner says a patient needs to be ready to take some ownership of their health, however, she says she also tries to 'meet people where they're at.'
Her practice, alongside Queen Creek, has grown in 14 years as more people seek alternatives like Naturopathic care. Her office provides many treatments like acupuncture, IV therapy, microneedling, HRT and more in house as well. There are even tinctures that are plant based and locally sourced. Every patient has an individualized care plan and recommendations based on their needs. 'My goal is to give them a plan to make changes without being overwhelmed.' says Dr. Berkner.
The Naturopathic path is all about setting long term goals for your health. Rather than thinking about the next month or the next year, Dr. Berkner says you need to invest in your health and ask where do you want to be in 10 or 20 years. Therefore you make the lifestyle and nutritional choices that will get you to a future that is more active and enjoyable. Dr. Berkner says, 'The hope is to see less of you.'
This might sound counterintuitive for a doctor to want to see their patients less, but Naturopathic care is about getting you healthy and not keeping you sick or medicated. A life where you spend more time living it than inside a doctor's office sounds like a worthy pursuit indeed.