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Ready, Set, Go ...

Exercise Tips from Workout Anytime's Cody Melvin

For many, the start of the new year means the beginning of a new commitment to exercise and healthy living. On the following pages, personal trainer and owner of Workout Anytime, Cody Melvin, Sarah Melvin, and Gabby Hunt, demonstrate exercises that form the basis for a well-rounded workout. Melvin advises three keys to keep proper form and avoid injury regardless of the exercise: brace the core, breathe through the diaphragm, and maintain good posture by keeping the shoulders back. With that in mind, it is time to get started on those New Year's resolutions! 


The squat targets the muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. It engages the core and lower back muscles for stabilization. Adding a barbell increases resistance and intensity. The Barbell Squat is performed by placing a barbell across the trapezius muscles, gripping with both hands and lowering the body by bending at the hips and knees. 


The seated dumbbell press targets the shoulders. It helps develop the front and side deltoids, contributing to overall shoulder strength and aesthetics. Sit on a bench with a back support, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Lift the dumbbells to shoulder height, palms facing forward, and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Press the dumbbells overhead by extending your arms fully. Keep your core engaged and maintain a neutral spine.


Known as the best core exercise, the RDL targets the hamstrings, glutes and core stabilizers. With a straight back and chest up, the barbell travels down the thighs, utilizing a hinge motion at the hips. The keys to a successful RDL are to stop lowering the barbell once you feel a stretch at the hamstring and to lower the barbell with a hinge motion, not the knees.

REACT TRAINING ( (Rapid Eccentric Anaerobic Strength and Core Trainer)

Core and leg exercises are performed on a rotating platform, which requires bracing your core and allowing your lower body to absorb the movement. The reACT Trainer is unique to Workout Anytime and improves strength, balance and core stability with zero impact.


The Tire Flip Chest Press is a two-person exercise that works the chest and triceps and provides endurance training and cardio. It is a time-based exercise that is performed until the form breaks down. Partners kneel on either side of a tire while utilizing their chest and arms to push it to their teammate, who catches it, lowers it to their chest and pushes it back. 


Workout Anytime has different cardio options, but Melvin favors the Elliptical as best for joint health. Unlike the treadmill, there is no impact. The intensity is adjustable depending on fitness and works the upper and lower body. It is excellent for heart health and burning calories and fat.

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