Getting and staying organized can give you some control in a cluttered, overbooked world. Creating pockets of visual calm in your home and office can help minimize stress in a busy day.
According to HeartWork Organizing’s owner, Darla DeMorrow, there are only three problems with getting organized. The first problem is getting started. The second is making progress. The third problem is feeling finished. Having a simplified approach to every organizing project can lead to getting organized faster and staying organized longer.
S.O.R.T. and Succeed is DeMorrow’s five-step process to make organizing fun and automatic. Unlike other approaches, it helps even reluctant declutterers get started with a very clear first and last step.
Five Easy Steps to S.O.R.T. and Succeed
S - Start with a written plan of 5 words or less.
O - Organize into groups of similar items.
R - Reduce, release, and reset your things.
T - Tweak your space to make it even more attractive and functional.
Succeed and celebrate every time. Reward yourself for even a few minutes of putting things in place. Even a little bit of progress is still progress. Reward a small task with small perks like a second cup of coffee after clearing the desktop. For bigger organizing projects, choose bigger benefits, like a weekend getaway after organizing the basement. Rewards reinforce good organizing habits.
Creating an organized home doesn’t come naturally for everyone. For people with ADHD or with very little time at home, carving out a few hours for organizing feels impossible. Hiring a professional organizer can shorten the road between chaos and calm.
HeartWork Organizing professional organizers joyfully organize homes, digital lives, and family photos. The S.O.R.T. and Succeed book is online and at area libraries. | | 610-688-8594