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Renee's Dreamy, Delectable Cinnamon Rolls

How to create a joyful treat for the holidays and beyond


Yeast Mixture

1 tablespoon yeast
1½ teaspoons sugar
¼ cup warm water (not hot)


½ cube melted butter
2 cups hot water
2 teaspoons salt
7 cups flour, split in 3½ cups increments
2 eggs
½ cup sugar


4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 1/2 cup sugar


1/2 cube melted butter
1 pound powdered sugar
⅓ cup milk
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon vanilla


Sprinkle yeast and sugar in the warm water.  Let set to soften and begin to rise.

Separately, add melted butter to 2 cups hot tap water. Add salt. Mix in 3½ cups flour. Beat well. Add eggs and ½ cup sugar. Beat well. Next, add in the yeast mixture and beat well.  

Add about 3½ cups more flour until soft dough is formed. Knead dough for at least 10 minutes by hand or 5 minutes in mixer.  

Place in greased bowl. Cover and let rise in warm place until double—about one hour.  

Roll dough into rectangle. Melt 4 tablespoons butter and spread onto rectangle. Combine cinnamon and sugar and spread onto rectangle. Roll up and cut into rolls. Place on 12 x 18-inch baking sheet. Let rise until double. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

For frosting, mix all ingredients and frost cinnamon rolls while still warm.

Makes about 2 dozen rolls.