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Revive Your Resolutions

Renew your commitment to health and wellness with attainable goals

As we find ourselves well into the year, it's an ideal time to pause, reflect and reassess wellness goals. John Winters of Lifestyle Performance Training (@Lifestyle_Performance_Training) believes setting small, achievable goals is key. “People can get overwhelmed by looking at what they should be doing, instead of looking at what they can be doing,” says Winters. “It can be difficult to find time to work out for a couple hours a day, five to six days a week. But maybe they can commit to going on a five-minute walk.” 

And you could say he wrote the book on goal commitment. Winters is the award-winning author of “Consistent Persistence: A Healthier Life by Changing Your Goals and Mindset” intended to help those who are looking for a program that establishes life habits, rather than quick fixes. “I want to empower people to make manageable lifestyle changes they can stay consistent with and that will have a greater impact on maintaining long-term health.”

Winters shares his top three tips for recommitting to a health journey:

Move your body one or two days a week

Winters suggests walking, doing bodyweight exercises at home, or going to the gym. “Starting with just a couple times a week is easier to find success and build upon it.”

Change up your meals, but start slow

“Identify one or two ways you could improve a meal each day,” shares Winters. “This can be as easy as having an additional serving of vegetables instead of a starch. Once you feel confident in keeping the first change going, you can identify another change and build your success from there.”

Prioritize rest to aid fat burning

Winters says chronic stress or overwork can hinder fat burning. “Try to get to bed 30 minutes earlier, or fit in a daily meditation to help reset your mind. It can be a great first step in helping your body effectively rest and regenerate so you can start the day less stressed.”

To learn more, visit LPT.Fitness or call 480.463.0364.

John Winters is a certified personal trainer, life coach, holistic nutritionist, and the owner and founder of Lifestyle Performance Training. He has been a personal trainer and health coach since 2002, and has helped a variety of people to achieve their weight loss and health goals.