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River City Resolutions for 2023

A medley of intentions for the New Year from our River City Lifestyle journals and a few well-known Memphians

The present is a gift. “I want to focus on the NOW of my life. I can do nothing about yesterday and tomorrow is yet to come. I only have this moment and how I think about it will determine my state of joy.” Dr. Scott Morris, MD, MDiv, Founder and CEO of Church Health

Think, “H.A.L.T.”—An acronym to remind us that it is never wise to let ourselves become too hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Dr. Charles Stanley 

Follow local development alongside our city's greatest natural resource: the Mighty Mississippi. “Deliver a phenomenal new front door for Memphis at Tom Lee Park by Labor Day, 2023, that fills locals with pride, visitors with envy and everyone with something to rave about.” Carol Coletta, President and CEO of the Memphis River Parks Partnership

Take a class at a local school or attend a workshop in the community. "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one." Malcolm Forbes

Advice from someone who understands changes in the weather: “Next year I look forward to continuing to serve my community, my city, my home. I’ve been blessed with a big platform, and I want to use it and my voice however I can in order to make a difference, no matter how big or small–as long as I leave a positive mark on the city that raised me to be the woman I am today.” Chelsea Chandler, Meteorologist

Strive for balance. Do not over-schedule. “What I dream of is an art of balance.” Henri Matisse

Support our city's admirable restaurant scene by making a point of eating at a new (to you) local restaurant each month. “Looking forward to opening in our new location on South Main in 2023!” Felicia Suzanne, Chef and Owner, Felicia Suzanne’s Restaurant

Explore. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken”