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Scott Hedrick

Scott Hedrick Construction

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?   

Identifying the problems immediately that a construction project may encounter and coming up with the solutions to address them and having a passion to compete with any competitor

What is the definition of success for you, personally and professionally? 

Professionally it is having repeat customers and maintaining lifelong relationships with them, and personally it is my 3 daughters and watching them each pursue their own paths in life but still remain Daddy’s daughters. I can’t imagine going through life without children even if I have some (or a lot) of gray hair as a result of them!

Outside of work/profession, do you have skills or talents that most people do not know about?  

I have the ability to speak to crowds and over the years, I have performed some weddings, several funerals, and in fact, I was ordained as a minister at age 20.

What are some causes you care about?   

I have several close Mexican friends in Baja that are like family. They survive on such a minimal amount of money and yet, they are happy and would do anything for me as I would for them. I enjoy starting and funding an endowment for my dad, Win W. Hedrick, at Boise State University and being inducted into the Chaffee Guild as a result of it.

Identifying the problems

Coming up with the solutions

Having a passion