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Angela LaBounty is ready to help clients find their dream home.

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Selling dreams

LaBounty helps clients find homes of their dreams

Helping families find the right home is what fuels Angela LaBounty.

Whether it's helping a family get into their first home or grandparents move closer to grandchildren, the realtor is committed to helping her clients make their dreams a reality.

“It’s the fuel behind everything I do. It’s a challenging career, but that’s so rewarding, and it’s what keeps you going,” LaBounty said. “I’ll get up in the middle of the night and be thinking of an alternate strategy to help a client. They are the whole reason I do this.”

The North Texas native has built a strong network of referrals by using her knowledge and love of the area to help clients. 

With the changing real estate market in North Texas, LaBounty is striving to help clients whether they are looking to buy or sell. Rising interest rates and still elevated home prices in one of the nation’s fastest-growing areas have made it more complicated for prospective buyers and sellers. 

“It’s a very different market,” LaBounty said.

Before last year, rates were at all-time lows, with a vast majority of homeowners securing rates below 5 percent. Now, with rates hovering around a 20-year high of 8 percent, some potential sellers are reluctant to enter the market.

“People are not wanting to sell because they will have to pay more on the next property,” LaBounty said.

The same is true for many potential buyers, who are electing to wait because of the elevated rates.

But LaBounty points out there are options and opportunities for both parties in the current market. Buyers are seeing more inventory on the market and are not having to get into the bidding wars and paying above asking price as in 2019 to 2021. Inventory is still not at a surplus, meaning sellers are still getting their asking prices.

“My advice is do what is best for you,” LaBounty said. “Nothing stays the same forever. If you are looking to move, prices are more negotiable now and you have more negotiating power.”

While rates can be shocking now, they are still lower than the early 2000s and late 1990s. There is also the potential for rates to lower. Many local lenders are offering incentives, including free or reduced fees on future refinancing.

“There are so many financing options,” LaBounty said. “You can always refinance later.

“It’s a great time to buy, which may sound counterintuitive. Yes, interest rates are high, but you can be strategic.”

And LaBounty is ready to help clients move into the homes of their dreams. 

“It’s the most rewarding part of this career,” LaBounty said. 

“It’s a great time to buy, which may sound counterintuitive. Yes, interest rates are high, but you can be strategic.” Angela LaBounty