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Guarding some of her favorite treats from Choice Pet.

Featured Article

Shop Local At Choice Pet, Ranger Approved!

Amazing Pet Products and Exceptional Customer Service

Article by Helen Phillips

Photography by Helen Phillips

Originally published in Greenwich Lifestyle

Ever since I brought Ranger home from her breeder in Virginia two years ago, one of her favorite activities has always been walking to Choice Pet! What dog or cat wouldn’t love a store just for them with plenty of treats and toys from which to choose? The Greenwich Choice Pet location sits between the Whole Foods and Starbucks on Putnam Ave. I always joke around that this location makes it extra convenient for Ranger and me to do our grocery shopping together! 

Whenever possible, I opt to support our local businesses. That’s why it was a no brainer for me as a new dog mom to check out the local pet supply store in town. While I’d grown up with dogs all my life, this was my first time having a puppy as an adult and let’s just say I had a lot to learn! I did plenty of research, but the more research I did the more I became overwhelmed! Should I buy the grain free food? Was some grain actually good in her food as a puppy? Yikes, there was a lot to figure out here and I was in no way an expert on any of these topics. 

Walking into Choice Pet for the first time with Ranger in tote, I was instantly greeted by genuine smiles and a “how can I help you today?” If the sales assistant was taken back by my “oh my gosh where do I start?!” he didn’t show it. Instead, he walked my 8-week-old pup and me aisle by aisle through the store to pick out training treats, no-hide chews, toys, and the dog food we needed.  

To this day, I remain so impressed by how knowledgeable the staff at Choice Pet are. After my first visit, I walked away not only with all the puppy essentials I needed, but also with advice on how to use the training treats, how often to give her the no-hide chews that she absolutely loves, and how to transition Ranger from her breeder’s food to her new brand of food. When we walked out of Choice Pet for the first time, the staff waived goodbye to us saying “see you soon Ranger!” I had no idea they’d remember her name each time we came back to the store. 

In addition to being the one-stop-shop for all of Ranger’s essentials, Choice Pet has the best selection of fun toys and special occasion treats! Last July I took a solo trip to Choice Pet to pick out Ranger’s birthday presents. Yes, I am that dog mom! I think the Choice Pet team member had just as much fun as I did picking out squeaky cupcake plush toys, special birthday treats, and of course a brand new pink harness! Around Halloween you will find a special display with pet Halloween costumes. And of course around the holidays, Choice Pet is your go-to destination for holiday-themed treats, toys, and more! 

Ever since 1979, Choice Pet has been serving Fairfield County and the surrounding communities. Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or have years of experience, Choice Pet is your local go-to pet supply shop providing the absolute best products for the health and well-being of your furry family member. 

Continue following along with Ranger’s escapades and my daily adventures on and @styleinherited on Instagram!