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Silica 13

Featured Article

Silica as Art

A study in color theory, shape and design

A grain of sand does not seem like much when seen with the naked eye—infinitesimal, one might say. When many grains of sand come under immense pressure, however, minerals blend and granules melt, and evolving into something unique and usable. 

Asher Swan’s Silica Series captures the shape and design of the pressurized grains and their evolution as a collective into a new and brilliant form. No longer a tumbling granule in the wind, the new form and colors added, blend to create natural gradients within, each becoming a complementary aspect of the whole image.

Each piece stands on its own, leading the eye down a vibrant path of shape and design, conveying emotion and intrigue, and nudging introspection and perhaps eliciting a prompting of a few questions.

In Asher’s words:

"I love color. You won’t often see black and white images from this series as I love how color evokes emotionality within the different color pallets I choose. My hope is that the different shapes and hues offered allow for introspective thought and feelings based on those choices. When this series started, color wasn’t much in play. I was focused on how to capture just the shape of the object at hand. So, after spending many nights in the studio, I found a technique that allowed the shape to be the highlight and not the specular highlights that came from using my flashes. Once color did come into play, I was off to the races with color theory and balance of the different colors I chose. I placed my lights in a manner that extenuated the shape and created a mood for the audience to perceive how they wanted. I love the simplicity of the shape of the glass and color. For me, it’s a unique way to fill an image with interesting elements that keep the audience feeling something from a 2D perspective. Creating images with depth and meaning are paramount in my process.”

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Asher Swan has an impressive portfolio of work that includes portrait, commercial and artistic images. At the heart of his aesthetic is the emotive power of light to capture and convey emotion. Asher is the official photographer for Southern Utah University and staff photographer for St. George City Lifestyle.