7 Steps to Achieving Perfectly Hydrated Skin in Winter
1. Switch Your Cleanser
Use a daily cleanser that contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) because it will gently remove dirt, oil, make up, and dead skin cells.
2. Dry Skin Relief
Add a Hydrating Toner to your skincare routine after cleansing because it is pH balancing and calming.
3. Exfoliate
The build-up of dead skin cells needs to be removed once or twice a week. Please don’t overdo it!
4. Hydrating Serum
Choose one that has powerfully active ingredients and multiple Botox-like topical alternatives like the ones in our Ultimate Ageless Serum.
5. Moisturize
The first common mistake people make is applying moisturizer on top of skin that has not been thoroughly cleansed, toned, or exfoliated. The second, is that they’re using the wrong moisturizer with the wrong ingredients that are not right for their skin type, age, or climate.
6. Humidifiers
Living in the desert can cause our skin to look and feel dry. A simple hack that you might find helpful is adding a humidifier or two to your house during these winter months.
7. Out with the old, In with the new!
It’s a new year! Check for expiration dates on everything. Throw out your old make-up, sunscreen, and skincare products.
Adeena Wagner, LE is a 14-year licensed esthetician and founder of Electric Complexions®️ Advanced Skincare. Book your free consultation in January & receive a free Hydrating Toner ($50 value).