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Steph, Latricia and Steve

Featured Article

Slow Down and Take a Breath

The Many Health Benefits of Yoga

In this sometimes frenzied and fast-paced world, it’s important to have the opportunity to slow down, listen to our bodies and give our minds a mental health break. For many people, obtaining this mindfulness and sense of bliss is accomplished through yoga. 

“To me, the most powerful part of yoga is that it teaches a physical, spiritual, and mental connection,” says Latricia Askew, who has been in the yoga industry for 20 years and has been teaching for 13 years. 

“Instead of rushing through something, or running, or going to the gym, you're making mindful decisions. Yoga is essentially a moving meditation, so you're moving your body and you're exercising, but there's that really powerful mental element too.”

Latricia, along with Steph Lund and Steven Mohn, are rebranding what is currently the franchise Modo Yoga in Minneapolis to MÖV Hot Yoga.

Steve discovered the magic of yoga 15 years ago. “I was having horrible back problems and I tried everything,” he says. “I saw doctors, neurologists, chiropractors and did acupuncture and massage. When I came to Modo Yoga for the first time, it was clear that yoga was a great workout. I kept doing it and added on barre when they started offering it.”

It gave him his life back. “My back is amazing. I can golf, I can skate and play hockey again. I've seen what this place has done for me and for other people.”

Steph began going to Modo Yoga, now MÖV Hot Yoga, when she was working as a sales rep for a yoga accessories company. “I love this studio and group of people and wanted to become more involved, and here we are.”

Since technology is not allowed in the studio space, people can truly get away from everything. “Some people find that really difficult to do, but it's such a good release from everything outside our door and allows this to be a place to escape,” she says. “It's pretty lovely, actually.”

“You come to a yoga practice and you have that hour to yourself,” says Steve. “It's quiet, but you're with a group working together towards a goal.”

In addition to relaxation and mindfulness, spending time in its infrared, or hot room, provides a whole host of perks. “Infrared heat has proven health benefits and is one of the things that we're really excited about,” says Latricia. 

Adds Steve, “Harvard just published a study on how it helps with dementia and processing and just all the different health elements.” 

“Logistically, this is the best hot room I've ever experienced,” says Latricia. It’s also an oasis from the cold and blustery winter. People can still get their exercise in and not have to worry about the harsh elements. 

One of their favorite things about MÖV Hot Yoga is its incredible community. “I think that's a really big part of why people come here,” says Latricia. “It's not just about practicing yoga. There's a chance to really connect with other people.”

Adds Steph, “I love that our studio has large locker rooms, which I believe encourages people to visit because they’re not on top of each other. As they're cooling down, they can visit about their kids or what they've got going for the rest of the day or what they're doing that weekend. There's just more space for people to congregate after class and people really like that.”

Since MÖV Hot Yoga continues to offer a wide range of classes and intensity levels, it’s open to everyone. “We have people ranging in age from teenagers all the way up to those in their 70s and 80s,” says Latricia. “We have styles of yoga that really fit everybody’s style and type, which I think is unusual, and we also offer barre classes. 

“If you're looking to have a Zen experience, we have classes for that. If you're looking to come and have a Zen and workout experience, we have classes for that. What I love about it is it’s not one size fits all.”

Adds Steve, “There are so many different levels of classes, and all the teachers  offer different difficulties, so people can choose a restorative class or a class where they really want to work hard.”

Right now, people can sign up for an introductory month for $39 and take unlimited classes for that month. They can then roll that over into a monthly membership.

The three partners are really excited about building this new brand because while they plan to continue the same amazing services that the studio has always had, they’re also open to trying new things. “We now have the ability to really open up the types of classes that we teach and the types of workshops we offer and have this sort of ‘University of Yoga,’ a place where you can get a lot in one place,” says Latricia.

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3252 W Lake St. Suite B.