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Smyrna’s New Event Space

For the Community, By the Community

Have you ever considered how tables can be some of the most awkward yet valuable parts of our lives? We are all too familiar with long silences at dinner that invoke grave discomfort - those moments when all you want is to leave but you know that would be rude. Yet on the other side, there are those times when you enter into a dialogue that you never want to end. Those moments around tables are some of the most cherished memories of our lives.

This is why River City Church started The Table - an event venue located in the heart of downtown Smyrna. On any given night you may see the space lit up as you drive through the central roundabout near the Library and Community Center. You will see people gathered for various events enjoying one another’s company. 

On the surface it may seem like any other business - a mere for-profit event venue. However The Table is different because it uses all of its revenue to give back to the community through public events. In the first six months of business, The Table has hosted an art show, parenting course, finance seminar, self-care workshop, and a holiday market. These events were offered completely for free to the community.

Our hope at The Table is to simply get neighbors gathered around tables together. Smyrna is a diverse city so we want everyone to have a seat at our table - rich and poor, Black and White, old and young. If we can gather people and create an environment for conversations, we believe that we can truly build a better community.

If you ever need a bright and spacious event venue, consider The Table. We regularly host workshops, birthday parties, conferences, client appreciations, baby showers, and much more. When you book with us, you know your money is going to serve your city.

You can also get involved by participating in some of our events. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on our events! @thetablesmyrna

Jordan Craig, Director of The Table